Lets Talk About The Object 279 Issue. Currently 5.8+ KDR on Average

If your blast doors don’t get penned.*
Which is modeled in WT.
That still leaves Challengers getting shafted the most.
Not the end of the world, but it’s not Russian bias.

I’d like to get a dev’s thoughts on why Chally & Abrams have higher det chances tho.

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Wow, didn’t know that the Leclerc had it too. I sometimes was saved by the blowout panel but that’s all.

Can you check the IS-6 ? Cuz i don’t get why it should explode less since it doesn’t have the excuse of the wet ammo rack


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Thx. Ok so other tanks have this “feature” but it could be intersting to see how many soviets have it. Also i would like to know why ancient tanks like the IS-s have it.

I mentioned M4A1 for a reason. All tanks have det prob until proven otherwise, and I think 0.15 is the standard.

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hmmm ok. Weird then but ok.

That is not how blowout panels work IRL… so it modeled incorrectly, likely intentionally.

If the crew compartment has a hole between it and the cooking off ammo, at best oxygen from the crew compartment gets sucked out & suffocation chance occurs.
At minimum, that’s a 2 inch hole.

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I don’t get why you say it’s not working. IRL if the armour between the combat compartment and the ammo rack is pierced, then the blowout panel doesn’t work.

@ehj78 I went through the entire list. Here are the numbers for russia. Out of 163 vehicles in code under USSR.

2.45% have 0% detonation chance. 4 vehicles.
90.2% have 15% detonation chance. 147 vehicles.
1.2% have 35% detonation chance. 2 vehicles.
6.1% have 50% detonation chance. 10 vehicles.

The BTR 152, BTR 80, M53/59, Gaz Truck AAA are at 0%.

The only ones at 50% is the IS-1, KV-1, Object 248, Object 120, T34-85, T34-100, T55-AM1, ZSU 57, T64, & Type 65 . That is it. While other nations have entire lines and BRs at 50%+.

T62, T62M1 are at 35%.

Ones that are wild are like the PT 76 at 15%… Really? That thing should pop.


They are truly a menace. My chieftan is one of the slowest tanks of the BR and has an apds round that struggles to pen anywhere. You have a tiny lip under the turret that still bounces ~50% of rounds but thats about all you can pen. Even then, you often don’t 1-shot the tank. Meanwhile it point and clicks nearly 100% of tanks at its BR without any of the disadvantages most heavily armored tanks encounter. Reasonable speed, great reload for a 130mm, good traverse speed, and one of the best armor profiles in the game.

Not only that, but they keep nerfing the best counters to heavy armored vehicles: atgms. The new atgm system is nearly universally harder to aim and track with and a bunch of atgm vehicles have had things like offset sights and wobbly missiles. The ATF-09 also just had its velocity dropped by 40% (500->305) while the TZ3A2 is still stuck on -5/15 rather than its real -10/25 from literally every source (how the fuck do they think a roof mounted atgm has 5 degrees depression??).

This thing needs moved up badly. At least one if not two jumps.

Because in the code, the 279 doesn’t spall.

““body_shields”: {
“armorClass”: “tank_structural_steel”,
“hp”: 1000.0,
“armorThickness”: 4.0,
“stopChanceOnDeadPart”: 0.0,
“createSecondaryShatters”: false”

Secondary shatters is set to off.

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Sure, but thats also due to the poor performance of apds, the placement of the driver, and the high chance that crew or fuel tanks absorb the primary round. I’m not saying the chieftan is a good tank by any stretch, i’m saying its another ‘heavy’ tank that can be directly compared to the 279 due to speed and reliance on armor. In that, the 279 wins in every category except for armor in some parts of the turret.

That isn’t exactly correct. I probably know more about this than any of the devs and have worked in ballistics for 9 years now. They have a lot of things modeled wrong. However I have to stop at saying that.

Jeez thx ! I would love to have an explanation from the devs as this is clearly resembling a bias.

They have a lot of things wrong, starting with the behaviour of volumetric shells … Sometimes this game feels like WoT with its RNG

They have deliberately chosen not to get H.E. shells correct for years now. Also russian tanks eat bombs (H.E. of course being a problem in game) and artillery is vastly weaker than it would be if they got even close and functioned normally.

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Arty is a plague on gameplay. A game attempting realism should not have a ‘click on map to get kill’ mechanic. Realistic arty would not be balanced in its current availability.

That being said, HESH is in a far worse position than HE has ever been. Hesh can’t even overpressure.

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For the HE problem, it isn’t realistic but I kinda like how it’s working now, gameplay wise.
Yeah the IS series mostly, bombs just take off a track.
However the arty is fine as it is for me. A more powerful one would be very annoying

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