Lets Talk About The Object 279 Issue. Currently 5.8+ KDR on Average

Come one bro this is exactly your face before it got moved up LoL IS-7 9.3 when??

I hate seeing the 279 even at 9.3+ because I need to aim carefully at it’s weakspots even with APFSDS at close range. And it’s gun can definitively kill my 9.3+ tank without a care about weakspots.

It’s a damn WW2 tank, why do I need to do this in my 1960-1970 tanks?

Well I don’t. I just shoot it’s gun off, that takes care of the problem.

Yup that’s exactly my face when seeing you cry on the 279.

Literally community after suggesting to add tanks like T-80U, 2S38, T-80BVM.

Sad OP soviet main lol.
Too bad we’re not on reddit cuz I could have had some fun with you but i’ll be respectful here

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Out of curiosity, what you can do on Reddit but cannot do here? as far as I observed the US mains made up the largest group there where they constantly shat on germans mains and russian mains, calling them hand hodling or some shit, then most of the comment section consists mostly of US mains agreeing with each other about how true the statement is, you will also find a lot of people posting a picture of their beloved Jumbos with an intentionally placed arrow sign decorators which points towards the machine gun port then call german idiots for not knowing where to shoot. Then one time the hell let loose because one guy posted a german high-score with panzer IV/70 and mocked US mains and russian main for fail to kill it and ended the sentences with “skill issues” applied to every nation, the comment section was nothing but mostly butthurt players says things like OMFG YOU ARE USING AN UNDERTIERED VEHICLE AND FLEX ABOUT HIGH KILL COUNT IN A DOWNTIER??, OMG AN OP BRAINDEAD VEHICLE THAT EVEN MY GRANDMA KNOWS KNOW TO USE WHILE CLOSING HER EYE… while you yourselves doing the same thing with Jumbo in a downtier and brags about it seems to be an OK thing. Lmao the community is a joke.


obj 279 can basically point and click everything it sees at its br, and you can add a decent autoloader, op post pen damage and a decent mobility.

now what you are basically saying is that 279 is killable and therefore isn’t op.
But if i have to take out the gun, then try to flank it (not always possible mind you) and take a whole minute to take it out how is that fair ?
if 279 can reliably one shot everything it sees while having an autoloader and decent mobility, the perfect balance is a tank that can reliably one shot it and that has decent mobility, and guess what, that’s exactly what early MBTs are. Also DM23 can’t pen the 279 everywhere, you still need to aim center hull or it will bounce anyway

friendly reminder that 8.7 is thr br of the amx-30b2

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I was thinking of being toxic. Like the guy is crying so much and is so salty that he could double the buoyancy of a body in the pacific ocean.
But it’s hard doing so here since flagging is veeeeery easy.

Anyway, sure there are a lot of very good vehicles such as the jumbo or the JPZ IV but at least they’ve got some weaknesses to compensate for their good armour.
American mains are mostly kids having fun saying “brrrrt” all day long, German mains can be fanboys but german tanks really aren’t the best around.
These can also get salty but that Alex dude seems to be on a league of its own.

Ah yes, the best MBT clearly. I can’t understand why that thing hasn’t gone down in BR …

Off topic a little, aside from having a STAB compared to French who is anti-stab, does anyone here also agree that Chieftain MK3 is an 8.7 material? I see that thing would be better off at 8.3 to unite with the Rooikat 76, it would better fit there to create a proper line-up.

Haven’t played it so can’t really tell but for the few that I’ve faced, they’re not really incredible. I think I actually prefer the AMX to the Chieftain…

I think this is called “Gameplay”.

You may want to try out a Shooting Gallery/Range with static targets, or Can tossing. Sounds more like your Skill Level.

ok let me reformulate : where is the “gameplay” when playing a 279 then ?

does the 279 has to take the gun out, then try to flank, or does it just have to point and click ?
i find it troubling that it doesn’t bother you when a 279 is doing point and click. I could agree if the 279 had supbar mobility or a trash gun, but it’s not even the case.

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The entirety of Top Tier is just Point and Click, you better get used to it.

i personally have little problem with point and click, and i don’t have any problem with armor meta, so long as armor is balanced in between vehicles and lighter tanks can flank when needed.

where i have a problem is when 2 tanks are at the same br, with similar fire power, similar mobility, but one has the armor to withstand shots while the other has to carefuly aim

You can defeat the 279 with pretty much any ammo…

yes, that’s a very well placed shot by the ru driver i might say.

an is2 can also kill a leclerc from the front by aiming at the lower plate.

now i don’t exactly know what you’re trying to prove with that video ?
did the ru carefully aim, or he pointed, clicked and got lucky ? would the shot have made it through if it landed 10cm lower or higher ?
Not to mention you had your flank exposed to a flat 90°

That the Object 279 is not the destroyer of worlds and OP Nightmare you crybabies exaggerate it into. In many instances it is outright unplayable.

Doesn’t change the fact that majority of Object 279 manage to rack up to 10 kills in one battle
350+mm (at PB) APCBC with HE filler does not mess around and luckily for it, most of tanks around 9.0 aren’t that much armored.

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Ok now let’s do a bit of a fair comparison instead of using videos out of context shall we ?

This is the angle for the ru251 shot mentionned in your video :

Now : m60 (the 9.0 one) vs obj279 who can pen who ?

M60 against obj279

Obj 279 against M60

Is the M60 more mobile than the 279 ? Well if we compare power to weight ratio nope

Reload ? 8 for the m60 and 10.5 for the obj, but it is an autoloader, so not subject to fluctuation of your loader’s health

Next, I’m feeling generous so let’s compare it to a 9.3 shall we ? AMX-32 (with a 120mm gun mind you) :

Amx 32 shooting at object

And the reverse again :

What about mobility ? Advantage to the french tank here, with a substential difference in horse power per ton.
Not like the amx can rush to position anyway tho, it’s not XM-1.

As for reload ? same story as m60A3TTS

Other comparison include a less important depression for obj279, but a much, much better post pen damage. 130mm APHE is absolutely brutal and doesn’t need to hit crew members or ammo racks to kill.

I could go on with more mbt’s, like leo a1a1, but i think you get the point.
In conclusion : it seems to me like a fair match up