Let's talk about something important

Since “freedom of speech” has forbidden me to express my opinion in general discussions of the game, I will speak out here.

Why, instead of discussing the fundamental problems of the game, is there only garbage at the top of the forum?

Why does no one care about the fundamental problems of the game, which have existed for many years, but the community continues to bring absurd innovations to the top with the addition of “realism” (this includes: orange smoke before artillery shelling, a second chance, super survivability of lightly armored vehicles).

Maybe it is worth talking about the fact that for several years, an APFSDS with 300mm+ penetration, capable of penetrating several meters of concrete, RICOCHET from the Stalinist armor of the BMP-1, (2), (3)? Or maybe we should remember how 20 kg of TNT in a shell does nothing to a tank and crew. This is as REALISTIC as many say. As realistic as an OBPS that evaporates when it hits the barrel, or any other projectile.

Or maybe it’s worth reminding the developers that it’s 2024, and that the maps at best correspond to 2010 (and at worst, the maps look like GTA San Andreas or GTA Vice City). And it’s also worth remembering the 2D tree sprites when you spawn on a helicopter in joint battles.

Why doesn’t anyone pay attention to the ugliness of the maps in air battles, in which houses, vegetation fly, their inadequate location, and are randomly generated in principle, like the map itself. There is 0 work on them.

APFSDS ricochets easily against sloped armor regardless of how thick or thin it is (still some Russian armor is still BS, I’m looking at you t-80 and t-90’s)

that’s just because they are trying to make the game have good framerate if every single tree were to be fully rendered the game would probably run at a good 10-20 fps maybe a little higher maybe lower.

that’s just a visual bug its only been around for like 1-2 months

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Didn’t know HSTVL was “Stalinist”…
High angles ricochet APFSDS, welcome to physics.

File size has much to do with “ugliness” which isn’t a fundamental problem, that’s a preference.
I’d rather have all trees copy-paste than have a 100GB standard client, and on top of that further detail is usually diminishing returns.

every time I get hit in the turret with the hstvl (well actually like 80% of the time) it takes out the horizontal drive, no idea why when I take no other damage except sometimes my commander

Do you know what KINETICS are and why OBPS penetrates armor?

Well yeah, that’s usually higher-penning rounds.
They were mentioning 300mm-class ammo, so I used that as my first non-Soviet example.

You probably meant to say that developers don’t want to spend time on optimization for which they get paid, am I right?

This bug has existed for a very long time. You probably play another wartunder in which this has existed for a month or two.

my man that’s a round that didn’t fully make it into the crew compartment, you can see where it came back out just in front of the hatch

Do you see the ricochet off the sloped armor here?

that is the optimization and Vietnam is the only map I can think of that has that feature where helicopters spawn

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They optimize games that have good graphics and well-designed maps, not randomly generated ones. What you call optimization is hackwork.

yes it went barely through the armor before getting bent back out but I’m sure you don’t understand how the APFSDS is literally a thin (but dense) metal rod that can be bent

what is randomly generated exactly because you never stated that or elaborated on it.

(dense does not mean strong btw it just means its heavy)(EX: tungsten is a dense but brittle metal that’s why its often used as an alloy to increase its strength)

Explain what is happening in the video and what is in the screenshot, based on your logic.

I can afford to play on the highest settings that the game can run on. Why do I see 2D sprites on ultra game settings?

the round bounced of the low angle

it would cause you computer to likely overheat and possibly catch fire unless you have a really good cooling system due to the amount of power your computer would have to use to render all that

also if that bmp had been hit in the lower plate it would be dead that’s how much difference it makes

You see what I’m saying? I run the game on max settings because I can, which is why I see 144p surface textures, knife-sharp mountains, 2D tree sprites, and GTA San Andreas houses in 2024.

Dont like it? Just stop playing.

Since the resolution of trees that you fly past at 500+ km/h matters so much.

Ahahahahahaha. What kind of answer? We donate to these people for their game so that they can make it better. But in fact, they just churn out premiums in batches and clone branches. In your opinion, they shouldn’t work on this?