Lets Fix the Q-5 Series - A list of Accepted Bug Reports

Here is a list of outstanding bug reports that were Accepted. The Q-5 series has been neglected and has extremely limited ordnance compared other platforms at its BR. These fixes would expand the options available to the Q-5 series.

Q-5 Early
The Q-5 Early is a pretty bad CAS plane. It lacks any CCIP or Bomb Sight (Which is unusual for a plane with a bomb bay) which makes hitting anything with the bomb bay extremely difficult. Unfortunately there is only a single bug report that would allow it to carry more bombs instead of rockets on its wing.
Perhaps giving it a bomb sight like the SH-1A (射轰-1甲) it’s modeled with in-game would make this an interesting plane to play in GRB.

Q-5 early should be able to carry 250-2 under the wings

SH-1A (射轰-1甲) Bomb Sight
SH-1A 射轰-1甲

The Q-5A is already a decent platform. At only .3 BR higher than the Q-5 Early, the Q-5A has CCIP, more hardpoints and more ground ordnance options. These following changes will allow more flexibility in its customizable loadouts and give it the ability to take a full loadout of Bombs or Rockets similar to other planes which actually have “customizable” loadouts.

Q-5A should be able to carry 250-2/3 and 500-3 under the wings
The current 250-2/3 bombs have very little explosive mass compared to the bombs of other CAS planes at its BR. Giving the Q-5 the option to mount a 500kg bomb would give it a more competitive loadout.

Q-5A in game missing the outside pylon.
Q-5A should have 2 more pylons capable of carrying 250kg Bombs

Q-5A should be able to carry all type of rockets in each pylon

Q-5L Air-To-Air Missiles
Q-5L should be able to carry PL-5
Both the Q-5A and Q-5L are both 9.7 in ARB, which is a waste of a tech tree slot.
This would give a reason for the Q-5L to exist in ARB as a higher BR Q-5 series.

The Q-5L should have a chaff/flare dispenser
Q-5L should have 64 chaff/flare rounds
Having a reasonable amount of countermeasures will make the Q-5L much more survivable at 10.3 GRB and whatever higher ARB BR it ends up at with PL-5s. It currently only carries 18 Countermeasures! Which is nothing compared to other aircraft in the 10.0 BR range that can carry 60-100.

If you know of any other accepted bug reports, or are making any new reports, please post it in this thread.


Someone finally did it! Thanks a ton for making this topic, we need more players to be more aware of the issues these aircraft face and how gimped (especially the Q-5L) they are.

As a bonus here’s my favorite picture:


Hope armement issues will be fixed, it kinda sad how bad (in game) Chinese CAS is (no, Q-5L flying in a stratosphere with 2 laser guided is not an argument of it being "good) and hope it will be improved as soon as possible (especially considering that Russia, US and France getting new CAS)

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Its obviously too good for Gaijin. They just reduced the max speed of the Q-5 series without addressing anything else about them.

Isn’t it for bellow 10km?


(Ffs, could have kept km/h for both, why switching from Mach to km/h mid thing?1)

Still pretty fast tho, it rarely could go supersonic anyway

That was really needed, good job!

Yes, It should receive them and go to 10.7 like the premium A-5C. I commented about this on recent BR changes, but this change didn’t happen.

One thread needs to also exist for JH-7A. That thing is missing so much ground ordnance its funny, same as J-10.

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That thread already exists

That is a general/informational thread, no? Not like this one, for and of reports and missed stuff

I have two interesting photos here. The Q5L is equipped with an air to ground missile on the inside, which looks like the TL10A, a small TV guided missile

But this Q5L lacks a camera on the nose, leaving a patch, but from the sensors and optical pod mounting points on both sides, it should be at least an aircraft with the same level of technology as the Q5L


It is ridiculous that the A-5 can carry AAMs yet ingame, none of the Q-5s do.

That looks to me like a Q-5D, I could be wrong though.

Very interesting pictures though thank you for sharing!


Does anyone know of any documents about the SH-1A (射轰-1甲) bomb sight? Or can read Chinese and dig one up? Maybe we can make a bug report to get a bomb sight added to the Q-5 Early.