Let's again talk Over pressure, Should it get upgraded/reworked?

Basically title,
HE slinger’s have (more or less) performed the same no matter what br you’ve placed them at. Being able to 1 shot almost any tank when landing well aimed shot’s.

At higher tier’s where the reload rate and precision is almost pin point, it tends to make even the heaviest tank’s obsolete when they fight each other.

Would you guy’s like to see the over pressure mechanic reworked?

I have 2 idea’s for them being reworked.
Instead of instant killing the whole crew we…

1: Have fall off damage introduced


The first (And probably easiest) would be having the over pressure do far less damage the farther from the blast the crew is when hitting.
This would favor the larger and more heavily armored tank’s while not completely making them immune to the HE
But any close and tightly packed tank’s will still be 1 shot.

An example would be: hitting the front mantlet of a tiger tank, Killing the driver and machinegunner, Hevelly injuring the gunner and loader, and moderatly damaging the commander.

2: Make the explosion better simulated


The second and harder idea would be to basically make the explosion’s more fluid
Same example as last time, but the over pressure has to move into and throughout the tank before doing damage.

An example: At first when shot, it will go around the armor into the spot where it penetrate. The larger the penetration the more damage is able to seep through.
After this, it would need to spread out throughout the tank to start hurting/killing crew mate’s. This would make it so the placement on the heavier tank’s matter alot more.

If shot on the driver side of the mantlet, the over pressure would end up doing far less damage to the gunner,loader and commander, while the driver and mg gunner would either be killed or severly injured.

-1 from me.
HE slingers don’t need any nerfs.