Let’s talk about the Chieftain

Don’t bother, he’s like speaking to a wall.

He mains Germany and he’s below 50% win rate in most of his stuff, without mentioning his K/D.
It’s mostly skill issue coming from his part.

yes i went “full toxic” and verified his stats…

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I remember making a report for the optics, the reload, the lrf… What did I get? Nothing.


What really gets me is I had proven that the LRF and range finding gun could be installed at the same time with the electrical schematics. Making the decision not to include it entirely arbitrary. I even found a US intelligence doc saying this was exactly the case of having both installed. Argh!


I did more research. Turns out I can prove all mk.5 chieftains had a laser range finder. The “L” modification in the totem program was for replacing the terrible ruby lasers with neodymium ones.
I’ll make a new report later. Btw the time difference between the Mk.3/3 (ya know the one with lasers.) is exactly one month between that last one rolling off the line and the first mk.5 coming out.



  • Chieftain Mk 3 could drop down to 8.3
  • Chieftain Mk 5 should become the 5/4. With added laser range finder and L23 APFSDS ammo.
  • Chieftain Mk 10 should become the Mk 11. With TOGS and L23A1.

The mk11 is probably never going to happen or if it does its going to be an event vehicle. The thermals for it were from TOGS and that would involve a change in the model. A not insignificant change.

Here we go. Community Bug Reporting System

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Ohhh and look who denied it…


Gaijin dev need to specify/rename exactly what series of chieftain are actually in game. As there was many modifications staged like you mentioned, 3.3 5.4 etc.


Yeah, I had a huge reply typed up, pointing out that he bought up those tanks and ridiculing his stance on spalling then deleted it as you cannot reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.

The issue has been re-opened, so that’s something.

Is it worth linking the Wikipedia source onto the ticket? “Advances in lasers and Applications”? You know it’s a legit source as it spells laser correctly. 🤣

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Good on David for giving and actual constructive and contextual response. At least its something we can work with.

I’m working on adding some more sources. Just waiting on some international mail.

I tried to add to it myself with what i could find

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anyone here has this book?

Found an armament manual

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Yeh i found that the other day, was abit paranoid incase it was classified still

I have both and you shouldn’t worry chieftain docs are for the most part are unclassified.

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Is there a definitive list of all modifications? With the changes in detail?

Do you mean the totem pole upgrades or the earlier mark differences?

All of them.

Well there isn’t a definitive list. That’s why I asked.