Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

İt relates, both 2A7V and Strv122 series are basically same tanks with some minor differences that has no quite big impact on gameplay.

And yet it produced zero spalling, try on other Russian tanks, 7/10 times it will detonate ammunition while also killing the crew, cause you know crew literally sits on ammunition.

Courage in a forum?
Ok buddy, show to the others how much pathetic you are. You’re deep wrong yet you still try to reply to be right.

Can you explain yet why you’re bringing recent conflicts into the thread tho? What are you trying to achieve?

Spall Liners does not act like it does in game IRL, and even then, im not sure why you’re trying in any way to disprove only the T90M while every tank with spall liners except the Challenger 2 act like that.

I comment on you having same effectiveness in “OP” tanks as in Leopard 2s.
You get off that fact with just bringing up STRVs.
STRVs have better armour than 2A7V which is probably incorrect.

The cover is too small to create spall.
On T-90A it only has front cover which is opposite to it, its enough to create spall.

And now you’re saying that T series explode more than other tanks by that?
Explosion chance is 0.15 like on practically all other tanks but Abrams and Chally.

So how does my overall performance cause any kind of effect on gameplay mechanic? Didnt realized my spall liners Depends on my overall performance.

Try not to put my words into my word.

İ clearly stated that if rounds penetrates and cause damage 7/10 times it will detonate that ammunition as Well.

Ok and? Why you’re bringing conflicts and politics into a game?

I have nothing to attempt, you’re doing all of this by yourself by bringing conflicts and politics into the game and replying to me.

Anyway, since we’re into the thread, do you think spall liners should stay? Was they a good choice? Im speaking for every vehicle that haves it, want to hear your opinion on every vehicle that haves it.

How blind are you?
You state these tanks are OP and have invicible spall liners yet you kill and die same as in Leopard 2s without the spall liner.

Not putting anything anything here.

Afaik no. I’ve seen many discussions on the topic, and the problematic part of T-series is the charges which refuse to explode (does Gaijin think they’re inert? dunno). The projectile part (which includes propellant & the APFSDS) does explode on the other hand, this lead to the meme of “just aim better kekw lol” being born that Russian mains would usually hit other nation players with a few months back.

On the other hand, the actually inert part of the projectile assembly on Chally 2s (it doesn’t have any propellant) used to explode for the longest time.


IIRC in game charges does not explode 100%, projectile on the other hand does. Could be the other way around, however this is the main point.

But it simply not true. It both can be seen in game code and in literaly game.

Can you show me where did i mentioned any kind of politics? Please im waiting.

İf you’re talking about Ukraine war as a conflict its a clear shitshow that how russian tanks performs and reacts in real life war zone.

İ have nothing to do with politics as i mentioned about conflicts, if you think its unhealthy for in game performance then i will not mention it anymore.

İts a good attempt to make those vehicles more realistic in terms of protection, the thing is not all vehicles have spall liners and to those who lacks suffers quite badly.

İf gaijin is gonna remove spall liners it should be removed from all tanks otherwise it should stay in this current form and try to balance this shit Show.

You are free to prove this, but unless something changed recently, charges still behave like they used to and refuse to explode 100% of the time (every notable discussion that didn’t include die-hard RU-mains on the topic always concluded that charges are the problem after all…).


But you clearly are. You are not bringing other conflicts, where NATO mbts have their problems, not bringing ME conflicts. You deliberatly saying “russian” (and not “soviet” or both “russian” and ukrainin") tanks, despite both sides of the conflict using the same T-series.

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And my current performance on Leclerc S2 is better then all of them so its safe to say Leclerc S2 is the most op one?

As you can see how dumb is that Logic.

Sure sure…

İ dont remember denying any of those, you could have mention about them any time you wanted and we could’ve have discussion about those tanks as Well.

Im talking about that. While i see what you’re trying to show im not seeing why what you’re trying to show should have impact into the game though.

I personally do not really care about that, but i find it a bad example for a game like that.

Gaijin needs to rework spall liners, things like that shouldn’t happen, they should save you from a poorly placed shot, not completly negate any spall:


Video is not mine, though it show perfectly my point.



Currently the only MBT that does not show much problems with spall liners are Challenger 2’s.


I have around 2,6 KD in my OF-40MTCA, did i call it OP?

You say these tanks are OP yet you fail to do better in them than in any other tank.
So much for being OP.

You brought it up first, so why should I doing your job then? You easily could stay with only in-game topic, but for some reason you were in dire need of bringing it.

İt can always be imrpoved and im always welcome to experience better gameplay in that case.

Chally2 has weird spall liner design on hull, instead of protecting crew from Side it only focuses on driver in that case.

Although i’ve never had any problems of killing chally2’s even after addition of spall liners so its clear they need some reworking in that area.

Per gaijin, the arieres are confirmed to receive them in an update and the merkava to not, leclercs are still being examined upon.


According to you Strv122 series and Leopard2A7V’s are also op but my performance on 122’s is nothing special, so its safe to say your claim based on nothing.

As i expected.