Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

I find it cute that pretty much everyone in this thread is attacking itself and i find also pretty pathetic that some of the people here are mentioning IRL stuff, while it has nothing to do with the game.

Spall liners, whatever they are on T90M, STRV122’s, 2A7V shouldn’t be in the game at all, the only tank i could understand having it are the Challenger 2, because it needs all the help it can get.

Things like that shouldn’t happen:


And im not saying the STRV122 alone have this problem, but it can be applied to pretty much every spall liner MBT except the Challenger 2’s.


i vlame gajin and their duck up to only give T-90M spall liners initialy

me still waiting for my hull spall liners

ditto, the PSO is still missing its spall liners

In my truthful opinion, only the Challenger 2 should’ve get spall liners, they need all the help they can get.


It was done when 2A5 was dominating… this artificial nerf goes way back to 2019. It has become a norm to apply it to all Leopard 2s since then (because code for them is mostly Copy & Paste).


These pictures are causing me physical pain. It just hurts so bad looking at them lol.

I agree with this. Maybe also the Arietes or Merkava Mk.4s if they used them irl (I’m not sure what the general concensus of the forum is on this, was a bit distracted the last few weeks).

Heh when Russian tanks not spall it skills issue when Leo and Strv don’t spall it OP
Typical Russian main think they are victims i so glad that something finally dethrone Russia in BS department


Sure cause 90 degree side shot on T90M=missing ammo carousel right? İf you’re gonna try at least try harder.

Yet every shot to ammo carousel results cathastropic explosion in real life unlike Warthunder, quite ironic isnt it?

Judging how you’re defending russian vehicles you would certainly not.

İ do have Strv122 series which basically 2A7V minus DM53 and L55 cannon, funny thing is STRV series does have better armor despite having older armor package which makes it effectively better tank overall.

And? Unlike you i dont defend any kind of specific vehicles to the end.

Safe to say your empty claims is waste of time.

The tanks armor does spall, but ammo doesn’t create spalling and since Russian charges literally cannot explode they act as spall liners…

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*Every shot that was shown to you.

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Except they can explode

No, its not a cheap way to adress you, i didn’t bothered to read 720 replies and i was not sure you was the only one, i find it cute tho that you still had the courage to reply even if you are wrong, which makes you even more pathetic than what you are right now.

Please Show me a single Russian tank that has managed to survive ammo carousel shot, oh wait you cant cause all of them went to Mars with their crew.

İts interesting that you only decided to include those hundreds of previous replies as soon as i replied to you.

Compare to your pathetic attempt mine is quite normal.

Would expected better from you.

If you feel attacked by my first reply maybe it means i was right?

After all im not the one trying to bring on IRL stuff in a videogame lol? What are you trying to achieve?

Yeah i’m aware of that 85 percent of my Russian tanks kills are from crew knockout other 10 percent are fuel explode few times i killed Russian tanks and it show as “ammunition explode”

I saw vids with russian tanks not exploding after being hit. Sorry, cant contact military personnel of both armies at frontlines and ask them about this.

Doesn’t even relate to that.
You cant even do better in “OP” tanks than in Leopard 2s.

You shot above the carousel there.
You can literally see the side cover hitbox that T-90M carousel has, just like IRL. And you literally hit the highest point of it.

Quite the opposite, i found it quite funny that you didnt had courage to quote me directly.

Thats why i Said i expected better from you.