Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

The non exploding carusel would love to happen except it always explodes same with fuel tank

Sure cause its not like there are tons of evidence on the internet about this situation right?

Safe to say bein obsessed with Russia has blinded you.

hey @Mongaroth33 what were you saying? T90M spall liner wasnt working?

He literally took zero damage from point plank , safe to say your claim is nothing but a bs.

Oh look another one, T80BVM casually tanks M95 shell from point blank with his fuel tank, another bs claim from you buddy.


No, you still have only half the understanding lol.

People who have played the T-90M and against it will always have more experience.

Biggest BS, Leopard 2 doesnt even need a spall liner to be tanky.
Sometimes even on thickest parts of UFP it makes absolutely zero spall despite it being the most armoured part being penetrated without any spall liner behind it.
Non exploding ammo is a thing for all nations just because of low 0.15 chance which is equal to all tanks but Abrams and Chally 2.
However Leopard 2 also has blowout panels which work even they should not.



4 different shots into STRV-122A blowout panel - all without ammo explosion of blowout panel going off (ammo explosion is supposed to happen already at first one)
On first screenshot I hit 2 shells with them goin black.

T-90M still has bug where fuel tank produces spall.
It still has bug with fuel tanks exploding as well.
And you didnt even hit ammo on either of your screenshots and aimed specifically at fuel tank, good job.

But T90M and other russian tanks need it?

Another empty and false claim.

Except T-series have invicible spall liners that eats your shell most of the time unlike Nato tanks.

İt should be since fuel tanks are not spall liners.

İt doesnt stop lying and i shot his hull armor from angle but glorious russian fuel tank decided to absorb entire damage.

Lame excuses…

Yet T-90M is only one to actually have it.
Leopards dont even need spall liner to be 3 times tankier than Abrams.

Absolute lie.
We literally have people disproving that and people saying T series have lower explosion chance on Reddit.

Except both in game and IRL all fuel tanks thar are thick enough to eat spall, on Abrams it’s protected with thick plate that creates spall after.

Except all fuel tanks that arent protected around with thick plates eat spall.
You re the one here bullshitting people

Literally all your posts are coping.

False, all other russian tanks have magical invicible spall liners that eats shells casually, countless videos prove this.

Except videos and photos proves otherwise.

Safe to say you’re claiming nothing but bullshit :)

Except in reality those fuel tanks are designed to catch sharpnel, not compeletly stop it, another false claim from you.

Says the guy who only plays Russia always victimize russian vehicles and acts like Russia is suffering ever since they added.

İts obvious who’s coping like miserable person and little tip:look into the mirror :)

lol, i think you guys are going a bit too far with the insults


Yet we have literally people going into files and disproving your BS :)

Except you have provided none and I did provide you some to prove your the one BSing here.
I can give you photos and videos proving Leopard 2 doesnt even need a spall linee to be tanky.
Heres literal spall on Leo2 hull

Meanwhile spall on T series with “invicible spall liners”
(entire crew died.)

Here is video of armour simulation of it eating spall.
This game doesnt care about its thickness.
If it model fuel tank spall catching effeciency Leopard 2 fuel tank and T-34 fuel tank lower side wouldnt eat spall.

Except I have several nations and even OF-40MTCA which literally has no spall when I play it.

Weakest italian tank.

Ill stop with them.

To be fair, the Leopard 2A5 and onwards are easily the second most trolly MBTs to fight in terms of damage model, only after the T-80Us and BVM.

If my Merkava Mk.4s had even half the trolly DM of those tanks it would perform so much better (although the Mk.4s are decent tanks now after the buffs).

Merkava’s doesnt even have their proper armor protection let alone the trolling.

They need those armor values first.

Yet hard evidence such as videos and photos proves otherwise, safe to say to have nothing on your hand other then bullshit claims:)

Except i did provides photos on my previous comment, not only you’re liar you’re also blind apperantly :)

Real life> some unreliable simulation.

Ukraine War shows those T-Series loves to blow up as soon as they ate any kind of enemy ammunition to their carousel, shame their glorious fuel tanks couldnt save them :)

Except OF40 MTCA is a premium vehicle that can be accesible by just simply opening your wallet, on the other hand your most played vehicles and nation is Russia. İts safe to say you’re russian fanboy.

You have only yet provided images of you literally missing ammo rack.

Yet only spall liners on T series is on T-90M.
Heres Reddit post proving T series have same explosion chance as anyone but Abrams and Chally

Every shot must be to the fuel tanks then our war expert who can tell anything without giving a slight thing of evidence.

Except I am already at 6,7in Italy,
I have around 100 battles in OF-40MTCA yet I already have biggest KD in it, I have zero problems killing and ammo racking T series.
If i had problems I wouldnt be here discussing it with ya, would I?.

Funnily enough you have around same KD in BVM as in Leopard 2s, you dont even own 2A7V.
Must T-80BVM be op then?

I have around same amount of your kills in T-80BVM in OF-40MTCA and I played half less battles in it than you did in BVM

And there is same evidence for other things. And?

Well, if there is horrible amounts of same tanks on both sides - you surely will have plenty evidence of their demise

Evidence like videos and photo’s will always be inferior to datamined info.

I have seen the reddit post challenging the reduced spalling claim iirc. I’ll see if I can find it.

EDIT: found this https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/w10TFBY2dx

The only vehicle to have more spalling than others is Leopard 2A5+ gun mask model, as well as STRV-122s , why?
Because before secondary spall there literally was no spalling.
Leopard 2A4 doesnt have that modifier and you can clearly see less spalling being on its gun mask.
If I find my screenshot on forum on shooting Leopard 2A4 with next to no spalling, a round being blacked out without blowout panels setting off.

Edit: You have specifically found the post I was stating these off.

I think this was done when the 2A6 and Strv 122s were stomping the ever living shit out of everything after new power.

Honestly suprised that they never reverted it during the period of BVM dominance like they did with the reload nerf.

You are comparing a shot to the UFP to a shoot in the turret ring. Of course the turret rings gonna spall more. Thats literaly because of the different postions u hit

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