Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

That exactly behavior of hardcore Russian main

Wasnt surprised to begin with, its normal behaviour for any kind of hardcore fan person.

Cry me a River this here is 11.7 Germany for the last few days

and ?
could have shown the same before the update with the “special need nation” lul

theyve got other more modern variants of the Pantsir and they could get Tor vairants as well. That aside though, Russia has nothing really left to add that would offer a performance improvement (over a simple sidegrade) except prototype vehicles.

Its likely the reason why NATO tech is being held back so hard, Russia cant compete. Their best round in service isnt event up to par with rounds from the 1990’s and early 2000’s of western nations, and their armor is being overestimated while NATO ones are underperforming. Couple that with them still using clutch braking on tanks while NATO tanks have been using regenerative steering for decades now and its pretty obvious why gaijin is running the game the way they are now…

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Par with US? If so it no surprise you either see horde of F-16C or one death leave

nope exept for maybe 3 battles all solo or germany only

ehhh thats very balanced

Plenty of NATO nations in-game use prototype vehicles at top-tier, so I don’t see any reason why Russia would be excluded from having some more of their own.

And (un)fortunately, the Soviets did produce some of the most ludicrously over-the-top prototypes during the '80s, Gaijin can of course choose to go down that road where the Object 477A is implemented.

I’m not sure if there’s any NATO vehicles that can compete with that, perhaps the M1 CATTB comes close but that still doesn’t have a 30mm coax. The Leopard KWS III or Leopard-2-140 also can’t match the 477A in terms of armour.

Aside from that, I’m not too sure what to think of the T-14 Armata in War Thunder, on one hand it’s got exceptional stats in the tank trifecta (armor-firepower-mobility), but that relatively unarmoured turret seems like it’ll play as a breech repair simulator for the entire match and having three crew right next to eachother won’t be great for survivability.

I will disagree on that matter, stepping out of serial tanks it still has many options for high/top tier, just like other nations with some exceptions.

Those prototypes wont change much, they would be in a bad spot like HSTLV, AGS or Object 292.
Capable chassis but hindered by rather poor sensor equipment (optics, TI) on relatively high BR.

In regard to the CATTB it will actually be a very potent tank. It has a 5 sec reload, Laser warning indicator, 2gen thermals, 1000mm plus armor on the turret and has spall liners. If added in my opinion it would be the best Abrams added to the game.


I think it’s pretty op and spall liners have been implemented poorly from my perspective. More often than not they don’t “reduce” your spall, they just delete it entirely. The game just doesn’t play well when you effectively get the first shot off and deal absolutely no damage on a flat side shot at point-blank range. This was the entire problem that the community had with Russian fuel tanks and ammo, which were functionally the same as these spall liners. Now that the Leopards get the same level of post-penetration protection that the T-series vehicles have had for years, we’re just ok with this being the norm now. I don’t like it.


That happens on T90M, on Leo2 its still creates enough spall to kill at least 2 crew member most of the time.

İt still is, Russian tanks still blessed with invicible spall liners so i dont see why leopards should loose their spall liners.

You mean this t90m where spall liners do completely nothing and it still explodes in one hit anywhere damn we must be playing different games it’s the leopard that has zero spall


Good lies but sadly thats all.

The lies come from you

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Says the guy who plays russian Tech tree most of the time and trying to defend and victimize those russian vehicles.

İts easy to see who’s the one lying here :)

Ye and what about that if I play it then I can experience it alot more than you so I have more understanding how easy it is to die in t90m spall liner do completely nothing one shell and the tank is gone bvm is still miles better and from my experience you will never one shot leopard 2a7v in game

İt actually translates to: im obsessed with russian equipment and im ready to defend them to the end :) (like you’re doing it right now)

Sure cause its not like those spall liners doesnt stop anything right? or how other T-series have magical blackhole,invincible spall liners and non exploding ammo carousels right?

İts safe to say to you’re only here to try gaslighting the thing is i dealt with your kind before so i know how this will end.