Leopard 40/70 AAA BR Increase Needed

The numbers don’t lie, this vehicle needs a BR increase - 5.7 for RB is a good start.


As every good vehicle it have good stat, but you don’t have posted a lot of information in favor for your opinion.


Gaijin would not prefer to do that, as they said its a gap filler SPAA, it needs to be lower than 5.7


72 km/h top speed + almost 100mm penetration autocannon at 5.0 BR. Gajin won’t ever learn. This thing is mean. Why again is the Kugelblitz 7.0 and the Falcon 8.0 or something???


its fine where it is.
a pro Tipp : if you encounter one, just press space bar and you will win.


German mains: what is space bar?


In fact, numbers don’t lie, you do! Try using the space bar instead of complaining.

The Leopard 40/70 is just fine at BR 5.0… you need to learn how to play and know the game before complaining about a vehicle, not to mention the fact that there is the same AMX-13 DCA 40 cannon, but it is at a lower BR 4.3, I haven’t seen anyone complaining about the AMX-13 DCA 40 which is literally a monster at its BR.

Novice players: “But AMX-13 DCA 40 is OK that it’s OP because it’s in my team, while the leopard isn’t because it’s not in the country I play with, how dare the Italians have a working vehicle?”


I wonder if the AMX-13 DCA or any of the other SPAA’s around 5.0 has a leopard chassis?


Pro tip to all the light tanks and wheeled tank destroyers out there, from einstein himself. I get it, that it is skill issue for light tanks and different kinds of tank destroyers if they are killed by SPAA, hardly the case of the Leopard 40/70 though

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Lets say the leopard 40/70 is balanced. It is still a eyesore at 5.0. The thing should probably never been added. It bothers me that gaijin cares so little about immersion.


give it the proximity round and throw it at 8.0 where it belongs.


8.0? A tank with over half the crew unprotected, no target tracking systems and no night/thermal goggles. Crazy things.

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Are you familiar with the ZSU-57 series?

Giving the 40/70 a proximity shell would put it on par with the WZ305 in capability.

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I have the first ZSU. Apart from the double armament, it isn’t powerful.

The WZ305 is one of the strongest 8.0 AA in the game.

I’ve seen what someone capable can do with the 40/70 because my friend owns it and actively uses it at top tier with ZERO issues.

Having no armor doesn’t justify a low battle rating. We learned this with many vehicles. An Italian example of this is the R3 T20.


With which you can no longer break the barrel of tanks because several players complained about this. If you want the Leopard at 8.0, put the 2S38 at the top tier, where it belongs.


I wonder if the players know where the space bar is?

The whole crew is out in the open and doesn’t even have any armour so you can wipe them out even with 7.62 light machine guns, compared to the 20mm of armour on the turret protecting the crew of the AMX-13 DCA.

But the really weird thing is that the AMX-13 DCA at BR 4.3 is a monster at its BR, but if Gaijin adds a vehicle with the same cannon at a higher BR, but and sopprattutto the vehicle is Italian, then the players from other countries freak out

I still haven’t seen anyone complaining about the AMX-13 DCA despite it being a monster at its BR so obviously what I wrote earlier in another comment of mine applies:
Novice players: “But AMX-13 DCA 40 is OK that it’s OP because it’s in my team, while the leopard isn’t because it’s not in the country I play with, how dare the Italians have a working vehicle?”


You think I don’t want the 2S38 at 11.3 already? I’ve advocated for that thing being as high up as they’ll let it be since it was added in Drone Age.

The R3 T20 was capable of penetrating T-34 Tanks frontally when it sat in the 3.0 to 4.0 BR bracket. It was an absurdly powerful vehicle that now sits where it belongs. The Leopard 40/70 has an armor profile better than most tanks of its weight class while remaining significantly faster.

Why is it that at 5.0, the 40/70 is so common despite Italy being one of the least played Nations? Is it perhaps because the vehicle makes the BR easy?

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Given the leopard 40/70 will be flanking you, which it will easily do with its leopard chassis, you would also have to beat its turret rotation speed of 50 degrees, which in CQC is gonna beat any other vehicle even if they assist they turret by moving their hull. Yeah in the perfect world you could just shoot the crew of the leopard 40/70… lol


How bad do you have to be at combat and game knowledge if you use armour as an excuse??? Dude maybe you didn’t realise it, but the Leopard makes all the exposed crew on the turret try to use the machine gun instead of complaining and creating false excuses just because it bothers you.

And if you really want to look at the armour, the AMX 13 has 20mm of armour on the turret, compared to only 8mm on the Leopard.