Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

Frustrating that german Leopards are that much worse than swedish ones, even if they’re almost 30 years more modern.


clearly all countrys are as backwards as russia…
Why make better armor if you can slap era/nera on top of it and say it stops 9000mm

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Screenshot 2023-12-21 201555
Screenshot 2023-12-21 201536

has someone made a bug report about this already? The original hullroof armor is 82° for both strv 122 and 2a7v its just the additional armor on top of it thats diffrent on the strv 122

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probably not because most seem to delete the game right now because of gaijins great “answer”

They are very reluctant to not give germany a tank with sufficient frontal hull armor that might bounce enemy standard shells. Its beyond me that its always worse than what russians or swedes have. Its on purpose.


I have made a poll relating to gaijins implementation of bug reports. I have little faith it will go anywhere, but eh

let share this to everywhere in general too because there other nation also have this problem

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im thinkin the only real solution is to “”““remove””“” the devs


I’d like to have the bugs first before arguing about the armor further man

dont think devs even play their own game

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Funny how they decided that both the manufacturer and the Bundeswehr(german army) are no reliable sources and proceeded to make the newest german tank worse than T-90M than can be killed with a grenade launcher.
Newest devblog basically says abrams tanks and leopard 2A7V have bad armor irl

We should all get really mad and stop playing the game and stop paying the devs


Another report added

List updated

salt the snail…


if they dont believe…

Another one:

In what world is Swedish data from 30 years ago relevant to the A7V? What is Gaijin thinking?


Its only relevance is how lacking leopard 2 armor is modeled in War Thunder. Otherwise, people need to start remembering that the Strv 122 is just a leopard 2 variant with certain options selected from the leopard 2 improved project. The whole thing with “Sweden’s” version is people claim its domestic when its not and now were stuck with 2 completely different yet contemporary variants.

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Don’t stop looking for evidence, otherwise L2A8, L2A6MA3, L2E will get the same unfair treatment

@Smin1080p @Stona_WT
Now that the devblog is out, we deserve a better statement and explanation on the 2A7V’s armour with better justification and sources to back up the developer’s claims. 3 Questions about this quote:

“In the case of the protection of the Leopard 2A7V, we rely on information about the Leopard 2 armor package presented at the Swedish tender. We have no reliable evidence that armor enhancements compared to the prototype submitted to the Swedish tender were ever carried out, nor the level to which the armor could have been enhanced if this had been done, so at this time we don’t believe that it’s possible to further enhance the protection of this tank."

  1. Why do the developers believe that Germany never upgraded any of their armour In 30 Years?

  2. Why do the developers believe that a “Swedish” 20 year old MEXAS package is still twice as better than modern MEXAS used on German leopards?

  3. Myself and others would especially like an answer by the developers on why the sources below are not considered reliable while the 20 year old Swedish trials is considered reliable despite the 2A7V not existing at the time?



image (46)

That statement in itself implies the developers never looked at the 2A7V’s armour bug reports and their sources at all.