Sure not in real life but this is war thunder, we don’t drive realistically here lol
Yeah hence why is not taken in account nobody’s gonna offer as a sacrifice to research the effects of this lol
nicely said so russian autoloaders dont matter, because its a game we reload on the move as well
reminds me, finaly it will be realistic you can destroy russian autoloaders and they cant reload anymore.
Russian vehicles will suck even more
Russian toptier lineup 10.0 soon because of reasons :D
shoot at the carousel, either they go boom or they cant shoot back either way lol
And thats why our reload times are long for stationary and short for what would be on the move compared to real life
Wait for nerf others.
Irl reload of the T72 is 7.1 seconds and T80 reload rounds the 5.5 seconds to 6.5 but this is with gun handling for both
Hey, was this a bugged armor display model on the dev response last year
Or had some things changed? I’m just about to get this tank
The top image has “consider vertical angle” off, which makes it look a lot stronger than it actually is. There are still a lot of reports open about the 2A7V.
nope still the same bugged mess because its not a swedish strv122
I wonder now that they are adding more detailed modules if the Leopards will get their auxiliary power units modelled and be fully functional.
Now that they are adding extra modules, APUs should 100% be a thing. Would be an interesting upside for the tanks that have them.
Removed all the fixed reports from the list.
clearly a prove where devs never play their own game lol
but go ahead, still the best tank in germany currently, you should get one if you wish to play top tier
DAY 29 MONTH 09 YEAR 2024 and gaijin still hasn’t solved this
still hasnt solved what exactly
The shielding among other things
ah that yeah