Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

They can never stop wanting to change the hearts of Leopard 2 players.


I have a bug to report!

It’s purple.

We have the pink panther, right? Is this called the Lapis Leopard or something?

Honestly, if they dont make it a market skin, for the lolz they realy missed an opportunity

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They’ve announced it. Don’t know if these bugs will be fixed. They have determined the maneuverability of the Leopard 2A7V, but there is little hope.

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“For instance, it features the lethal L/55 A1 gun, possesses advanced composite armor and is powered by an MTU 1500 HP engine.”

But it still had C-tech modifier? XD

And they even nerfed the add-on XD



I don’t know what to say… : (

Doesnt it have B-Tech right now in the hull?

No. They nerfed the beak add-on armour from 1.3x modifier to 0.825x modifier. FYI, Strv 122s beak add-on armour has a modifier of 1.17, so 2A7Vs armour was nerfed to such a point, that after 30 years of armour advancements, it performs worse than the original MEXAS-H xD

Overall, both the main armour, and the add-on armour are underperforming.


Didn’t Germany basically copy the Add-on hull armour of the Strv 122?

Have they not fixed any bugs?

It should be better all things considered. 2A7Vs add-on armour uses materials 30 years newer, maybe even nanocrystal steel (as IBD had developed those).


If anything, they should switch over 122’s and 2A7’s MEXAS multipliers… it makes zero sense that 2A7V’s MEXAS is weaker than 122’s, it should be the other way around. How can they not see it…?

And, of course, 2A7V having C type hull is absurd.

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I just noticed;


Hahahaha. So glorious indeed.


Well it’s not copying if it’s German made. Also they use different addons with the 2a7vs being over 20 years newer then the mexas-H of 122

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No that was my mistake.
It has a C hull but they nerfed the addon armor instead.

this is a fucking joke, i cant believe that a tank 20 years newer than strv122 get less armor than it. who the fuck made the armor protection spreadsheet should be fired



Germany is only getting one Rank VIII tank though?

Did the Developers state their source in the answer they made in one of the bug reports about the hull armour? Or did they just made up some stats out of nowhere?

It really doesn’t matter which was nerfed. The point is still that after 30+ years of material advancements, and armour design. 2A7Vs new hull armour array is nowhere to be seen, the beak add-on armour that likely makes use of cutting-edge materials is worse than the ~30 year old MEXAS-H, that was originally developed in 1980s, and the Duel Add-On plate is straight up a joke - to such a point, that a tank whose requirement is for the hull to provide equeal protection to the turret versus both KE & CE, atm can’t do that, and only matches a TVM prototype lol.

I’m surprised Smin hasn’t come here yet to provide us with an excuse tbh.


2a6 2a5 pso and 2pl is going to rank 8 if i remember correctly

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