Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

I wish i could say the same for my nation

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thats fair

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It shocking that the heavist and slowest top tier mbt is one of the least armoured

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well at least you joined the good gun club, know if only gajin would upgrade the ammunition and not give the russia has no equivalent excuse… but oh well

You can’t have the leopard be too op
Cause maybe it might be better then a T90m
Cant have that

You compare even the unfinished Leopard 2A7V to. Challenger (3) it is better in every way but the gun and reload
Which is just funny hope Leopard 2A7V is made they way it should

in before gajin just gives the challenger 3 the same reload as the 2a7(v)

yeah we have to hop that abrams and 2a7v get their right state for them to be competitive against the T-90M. Else top tier will be even more skewed.
Honestly they should just finaly screw nation matchmaking at high/top tier. If every team had russian /german/ US vehicles in them. Battles would be way fairer

Ans also pretty boring with always mixed battles…

Im pretty sure in beginning of the dev it had the same reload as challenger 2 but now is the sme as the leo which makes sense

Still the best way going forward. Russian Bias calls would lessen as well, when every team gets ducked over by pantsir and Ka-50s. And its not like it isnt already a thing in ARB

Yes that thing is the most annoying spaa
Russia gets a spaa that doesn’t appear on my rwr
I get a spaa where the missiles phases though planes


18KM with no RWR warning not gonna lie annoying af sure F-16C or Tornado can kill them by going fast but still Russian they always need special treatment that why their skills base never increase if they succeed well just cry for gaijin attention for buff Russian main are like an orcs maybe orcs are smarter

My spaa can only kill heils and planes coming straight at me at least 3km from me

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Yeah i know and you still can see them complain about CAS when they have abomination as Pantsir

The only thing they don’t have is good thermals and good ir a2g missiles which is why i like night battles as some russian players don’t know that their tv guided bombs and missiles need light to work

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Makes sense , I have every German vehicle without baying any premium vehicles with my own money.

that is me : )

Sadly it cant be used as a Source… :-(


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They didn’t let me raise a question and took away my permission.