Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

aaaaaand once again, DM73 does only increase penetration by about 11mm most likely.
So no, without anti ERA tip modeled its useless.

If I recall correctly, someone ran calculations with the ingame formula and it could penetrate 704mm max.

Which, funnily enough, would still be insufficient against BVM’s 750 or 90M’s 800.

But at least it would help against other 80s, 90A and 72s.

but DM 73 is said to have a 7-8% penetration increase isnt it? Thats like 666 penetration at 10m, compared to the 623mm of the DM53

DM53 from L/55 penetrates 652, not 623! 623 is from L/44.

652 x 1.08 = 704

Even 704mm dont’t matter if the t90M has more than 1000 protection


But it would help against 72B3, 90A and the 80Us, who are on the 650mm range.

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More importantly, DM63, 63A1, 73 cannot explode. Because of this, the 2A7V could not have been killed by a shot into the ammunition box and the shells did not burn out of the first stage of the BC when hit, and the maximums were removed into which they hit. It would make every Leopard unkillable, well those who used these shells.

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Ohhh yeah right, i looked at the PSO, but that had the L/44 gun true

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so basically like the ru ammo ? :D

8% increase in energy at muzzle =/= 8% increase in penetration

Also the 8% increase is in comparison to DM63A1, which has a slightly lower muzzle velocity (1720) than DM53 in game (1750)

Using the L-O formula, the expected penetration for DM73 is this:

For reference DM53:

Source for DM73 muzzle velocity:

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Do we have any sources abou the “anti-era tips” or whatever they use to defeat era blocks? The closest I got was some old russian site talking how DM53 “defeats the purpose of Kontakt-1 and Kontakt-5”.

That’s for DM63, DM73 was supossed to have a Lot of increase in pen 20% for what they stated

It require the need of a whole new gun

ah no the 20% is for the DM83 or KE 2020 NEO

It was a part of the @Jackvony suggestion passed to developers back in 2020 (and never acted upon)

(someone should re-submit it to Gaijin)

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I think it might be in the patents of DM53 but I think they’re in German so I’m not sure. Also anti-ERA apfsds penetrators would probably be a new mechanic that Gaijin hasn’t added yet, so I think it a bug report would probably be shot down with “not a bug”

Kontakt 1 has no purpose against KE to begin with

If you lock at the tip you see the segmented parts
First part is pointed and then at one point has a bigger diameter.
If i understood it right the tip breaks away at the Era and activates it and the rest of the penetrator goes trough



If this really were the case, then even better xD

If that’s the case, I 100% believe there’s zero reason not to give Leopard 2A7V and, specially, Challenger 3 (P), this shell.

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The penetrator of the DM73 is diffferent than that of the DM53/63
The penetrator above is DM73