Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

Yea the roof parts are easily knocked off but I think the actual hull front addon is not destructible

so it’s only visual? because this seems like the kind of “mechanic” they would add to gimp it, like how the turret cheeks fall off after a couple of hits (also hilarious)

Most of the time it does not make a difference, I’ve taken ~10 shots to the UFP even after I lost all my armour in the PLSS, I doubt it will be different in the 2A7V. The only difference is that you will die quicker in the 2A7V due to the smaller area that actually stops high pen rounds.

At least this one is realistic.
(hit by artillery and a lancet drone)

Darts and 155mm HE are not comparable, yet both make it fall off after a couple hits

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Not entirely unrealistic, at least when it comes to hits with large HEAT or HE warheads like Kornet.
APFSDS probably shouldn’t knock them off after 2 hits though.

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Its not that accurate yea but, unlike the hull, this has little difference on protection levels. Also the artillery shell was a 152mm that hit over the idler wheel on the left side which knocked it off its hinges. If a dart / HEATFS / HE were to hit the hinges enough it would also fall off.

Oh it’s little difference, damn. You should call KMW and let them know they’re wasting their time with those wedges on their last idk how many Leo versions

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Its not solid composite, its mainly hollow. We have pictures of it, sure its more protection (Mainly against CE threats) but its not the difference like the 2A5 hull and strv122 hull.


Quite a lot actually. Due to the mantlet area undperforming (significantly might I add), the weakspot size increases dramatically;


What does the wedge have to do with underlying composite? The wedge itself is not the majority of KE protection that the leo turret has.

That it boosts the protection over the mantlet area, once it’s gone, that goes down to pathetic levels (like ~390mm at best).

Now, it wouldn’t be nearly so much of a problem if Gaijin could get their heads out of their asses, and fix the mantlet protection levels.

damaging the dart before it starts penetrating the armor can make it tumble and lose most of its effectiveness

To be fair that partly WTs lack of protection for most breach’s, I doubt that there is a significant change in apfsds that can pen the breach from higher angles with and without the wedge.

Besides that, the wedge currently provides very little CE protection.

CE modifier; 0.4x
KE modifier; 0.9x

For the same LoS thickness (should be about ~160mm), the wedge will provide only about ~65mm additional CE protection, as opposed to ~145mm additional KE protection.

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Yes, but that is not simulated in war thunder sadly, in WT the KE protection it adds is rather low compared to the other destructible addon armour.

Don’t forget about the spaced armour behind the wedge and Infront of the composite array.

This is the same armour that in testing achieved a CE reduction against a single stage HEAT warhead of ~930mm btw…

Yes, it is missing around ~95% of its protection capability, and that’s been reported a long time ago :P

None of the Leopard 2 turret can actually provide the protection achieved turing the 1993/1994 trials, all of them are about ~400mm (or ~700mm if your name is 2A7V) weaker.

Yes I’m well aware, I believe the armour plates inside of the wedges are also not simulated? At least they are not visible on any 2A5, 2A6 etc if you use the Nvidia picture mode.

Nope. Reported recently:


They’re meant to fix one of the issues we’ve seen during the Swedish Trials (i.e boost protection over the mantlet area from a wider angle).

Basically weakpoint erasure measure.

Is there any “master thread” that has all leo reports even for other leopards including strv 122s etc?