Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

Wait that’s funny, what he’s just posted is the source I brought to the forum (via a report) to prove the 40/40 gun-handling is correct, and even sent you it on discord - but you had told me it’s a typo.

The double standards hahaha.


this is not even about the sight its about the laser rangefinder

Who’s talking again?

That’s not my acceptance, it’s another moderator’s.

if he is talking about this, this is not even from the sight directly this is data about the rangefinder on the sight

Magnification is mentioned in there.

“- Powiększenie: 12-krotne”

Right, so let me get this straight;

  • use source to prove gun-handling is correct (is actually underperforming) - > rejected
  • use same source to prove the sight should have a different magnification - > accepted

Hello, what are these double standards supposed to be?


better question is, who can we send the report to so it gets accepted so the gun handling gets improved


Again, it’s not something I accepted. Also, the report is based on not just that one, it multiple secondary sources.

I didn’t even touch that report

I didn’t even check that report, what was the primary source?

Btw, has it ever been stated that sight magnifications are modelled after the day channel even?

@_David_Bowie Do you know? Since I’ve never heard of that.

just so you know Sources from KMW Rheinmetall and the Bundeswehr where said to be not useable from what i saw on Reports

You are sorely mistaken. There are good documents about all of them

That standard has always been used, a few vehicles misreport and use values from thermal but basically all use values from the daytime sights

A former friend of mine, Yedidya, had made a report using 10+ sources about how the thermal sight of the T-80BVM was only able to output 640x512 pixels, aka, making it a 2nd generation (bordering on 1st generation) sight via Gaijin standards of the time, that was in light of the Leopard 2PLs thermal sight, which output 768x512 pixel being modelled as 2nd generation only until very recently where their standards changed to model thermal generation by what it is classified in real life, regardless of their actual output.

Good documents you say?


doesnt the BVM have Gen 3 ingame or am i wrong

Fair enough. Are you sure you quoted me there correctly tho? Since I included the name of the source lol.

yeah as of rn it uses 3rd gen the T90M was unique for having 3rd gen and as of rn we know thanks to the numerous sources about the sights the T80BVM uses that these sights should be 2 gen at best with very bad quality and main reason why T90M should be using a more expensive one with 3rd gen thermals

The T-90M has a second generation both in the game and in life. T-90M version - 2017. French matrixes of 2nd generation were used then

weird because the 90M and BVM have the same Res as the 2A7V atm ingame btw the 7V has Gen 3