Congrats, yes. The in-match situation is completely different from what PA shows. The amount of turret weakpoints is also higher on the 2A7V than the 122s (it’s actually higher than 2A5s as well).
People who state 2A7V is good because of its armour are completely clueless, the armour it has is arguably the least important of its positivies, the biggest ones in numerical order would be;
The 2A7V is good, however i’d pick the 122’s anyway because the armor is better and you have x3 of them instead of only one tank. Also the 2A7V is slower, which wouldn’t be an issue if it accelerate like a 2A4 like it should, but it really doesn’t.
Because the model is causing it… you’ve never taken a look at this thread before, have you? I made a break-down of everything that’s wrong, and why the model is the biggest issue up to date when it comes to the 2A7V.
oh yeah lets say the T80BVM now gets pen’d frontally by anything from Type 10 up to DM53 now what would you think about it? yes the armor its wrong it should be higher and the same goes for the 2A7V, so you are putting as an argument that why would it need more armor since i cant pen it with my 3BM60 but other shells can pen it, anyways at the end you’ll have to aim at the weakspots like everyone else does when aiming at the STRV 122 weakspots
It says up to it does not mean that everything they make is of that density. This is not even close to sufficient for a bug report. They have always required specific information.
in the report there is already information referring to the density of the tungsten that its obviously being used in the DM53 by the company making DM53
specific information about it being used on DM53/63/73, as said. Production capabilities in general are not production capabilities of a specific shell.
Right? They’re making an advertisement for THEIR PRODUCTS, the tungsten alloys they make your PRODUCTS out of, and they specify that those PRODUCTS are made out of an alloy that achieves 18.5g/cc density, what else is there to it?
You’re coming up with every possible excuse at this point just to argue that they couldn’t have possibly gave out the density of their alloys like that, but they did.