Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

Fair havent played it for awhile

british tornados with the better guided weapon loadout than germany and italy for example is better at top tier excluding the gripen. Adats is better than the flakrad aswell for multi purpose.

All challengers are worse but the game isnt only top tier and britain has many gems in their tree


British Tornado has the same guided bombs as the German one?
ADATS has a Tank destroyer spawn cost and 8 missiles, its decent but the FLAKRAD is better as a SAM. Many Brits are forced to spawn the Stormer as they cant afford to spawn the ADATs.

Challenger are worse is a massive undrerstatement, I would take any Leopard 2A4 over the majority of the CR2s ingame.

Forgetting the pgms arent cha

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PGMS are memes, they are useless in ground RB and in air you have to fly high to release them you die to any RADAR guided missile.

No they don’t, british tornados have mk.13 which can be dropped while supersonic. German and Italian tornados use GBUs which cannot be dropped while going supersonic.

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A bomb loaded Tornado struggles to go supersonic, this is clutching.

I’m talking about GRB where a tornado with 4 guided bombs can definitely go supersonic.

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Yes just supersonic I have recorded Mach 1.1-1.3 it makes no difference the faster you are the worse it turns and you just die to SAMs.

If this is your rationale of why British mains should be happy?

You forgot this statement of yours?

It is objectively false, britain has the best Tornado and it’s not even your only top tier cas platform. Tell me again what top tier fixed wing CAS does Germany have that’s better than the UK’s?


Currently not much. You will get a more advanced Tornado and likely an FA-18. I will swap my Tornado for your amazing MBT lineup
Your multiple top tier light tanks, your great SAM system, your Helicopter (PARS and HOT 3 are so much better than Hellfires)

Either way @Yontzee cz on the addition of the 2a4m can, however it may come now. Honestly i am positively suprised it is coming in an beautiful state with a nice looking camo net which propably wouldnt have been necesary (sorry challenger 2 OES)


Definitely pre-ordered it. I texted my RCN boiz I work with and some of them already pre-ordered it too lol.


now lets only hope it comes in a decent state, gajin and leo models… not mentioning the promised leo DM rework. And hoping for the gen 3 thermal upgrade


I don’t expect it to be decent. Or even speak English.

Same, the crew will be German 🙄

same that thing is beutiful (the 2A4m Can that is) i had to get my hands on it

But canadian voicelines are already in game, no? At least one of these must have Canadian voicelines ;-; (except for the MEXAS).

Nope. no vocie lines.

If there was the C2 Mexas wouldn’t be speaking German.

Test drive the Ram II and 3.7 Ram and you’ll see they use the voice lines of the nation it’s in.

Yeah the one in the UK uses British ones, and indeed same story for the Ram with the 3.7 gun.