Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

if the mantlet is corrected it would be a hull down monster

u know you are saying i need 3 different tanks to become equal to 1 leopard. It might be your choice, but many will just straight up prefer the leoaprd

and many would prefer the challengers

May I point out it being Canadian means it won’t be TT if it goes to Germany, it be a premium or more likely event.

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Gaijin don’t seem to have logical methods when placing treeless nations into the game until they decide to do a full branch in an existing tree.

That said yes most Canadian military equipment is of German engineering and manufacturing origin but Canada’s closest wartime ally is the UK.

Germany has plenty of potential minor nation add ins many of which are already present just not as a full branch. UK however already have 1 of their most logical options South Africa and Canada would be the second.

Provide reasoning for your “F— Brits” argument or just tell us you want Germany to rule the game.


not necesarily export, just like your vickers. But it wouldnt be to bad either as the 11.3 premium

u mean the many nation where every and anybody fights us over every implementation either way?
If you ask anyone germany isnt allowed to touch netherlands, switzerland, denmark or poland. They all fight for their own weird united tree choices.

which doesnt matter, Smin already stated that not all canadian equipment will be added to UK only

you somehow are ignoring India which currently is getting more and more added into the UK tree.
You guys already got South africa and India pretty much and are demanding more and more nations

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We have Canada in the actual tech tree where as Indian is not

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i dont count spaas, spaas realy are outside the rules to make possible top tier spaas for every country, hell look at the freaking finnish ito 90m in the french tree. Spaas mean nothing

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The skink could’ve gone to USA as they lack one their too but it didn’t (i know its a Grizzly but you never know with gajin)

And the ADATS isn’t technically a SPAA

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still other rules

yes but you know what i mean, specialy for top tier any anti air system is highly important. UK didnt have any possible option and would have been completly left alone at the time with only the broken stormer that recently has been fixed. The tracked rapier realy not being known until quite recently


Not fully the devs still considere it broken

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I know what you meant Canada wasn’t the only option for spaa

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And the Vikers line represents the UK version.

So you be getten a 2A4M as TT not 2A4M CAN.

Even more so with this, as nothing Canadian has been TT then all events with one premium. So it double proves a leopard with the Canadian flag won’t be TT in Germany.

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The leopard 2a4m can is purely german as well, the modification is designed by KMW , even more reason to give to germany as a contrast to rheinmetalls kits

Doesnt prove anything. It just says then canada has no real place anywhere, those the leopard should be given to its origin country

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It wasnt but they chose it because double dipping for US as well made it easy

Yep, still worlds better from what i heard

Their properly something lazier they could of done

Yeah its useable now

Dont think so, same missle behavuour etc makes it a lot easier already