Leopard 2 gun elevation issues

The Leopard 2-series has an issue where the gun elevates up even before the engine deck, which causes issues in engaging enemies


Not an issue, as annoying as it can be it’s unfortunately historically accurate.


then why does the 2S6’s missile pods clip into the turret base?? also the gun elevation problem in real life can be solved by turning off the FCS, or ingame turning off the stabilizer, but thats not modeled ingame so even turning the stabilizer off still raises the gun


Because it is a bug


As someone who now uses Strv’s I think it was a nerf that was necessary and chipped away at the huge discrepancy between Leo’s and the rest. It’s still a massively OP tank at top tier.



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cuz gun collision model are janky as hell

I’d enjoy reading through mald posts if this was happening on an USSR tank.
Since it’s not, I guess no one cares.

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the nerf has gotten me killed at least 10-20 times due to engine getting shot out and not being able to look over my side

I know, and that was my point. I think it was a good nerf to Leo’s to chip away at the big discrepancy between them and other 12.0’s.

Not a bug, just a Gaijin nerf