Leopard 1A5 at BR 9.3

Have been working German tree Rank VI BR 9.3 lately. Have noticed a significant difference in progress for the L1A5 compared to M48 Super and T72 M1. I have attached screenshot where you can see that the L1A5 is performing absolutely terrible compared to other 2 mentioned vehicles.
Wonder if L1A5 is overrated, and should rightfully be BR 8.7 (or maybe 9.0)

Your comments would be appreciated!

Edit: Now screenshot is also there.

This is called “skill issue”


hmmm, im not sure. i skipped over that one since it was foldered, but i’d assume its quite like the a1/l44 with just a (worse?) dart? I think.
Your KD on the other vehicles isnt that great, so it might be how you’re playing?

Edit: lol you get Dm33 on the 1a5…

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Just because you apply the same strategy one the T-72M1 and M48 Super it doesn’t means that will apply to the Leopard 1A5,

When playing with it you should consider that you don’t have protection against nothing, literally nothing,

You have to use the mobility in advantage, something that it seems you don’t know about after 296 matches still a negative K/D.


Agreed. All leopards have 0 armor… sit back and snipe with em if you don’t

If another tank looks at you you will die, if you assume this position you should see an increase in your efficacy.


Thanks your input!

I admit that I am certainly not a skilled tank driver, and need much more training.
Will probably never be able to make it work out with the L1A5, as sniping is not (at all) my top kompetence. Maybe I should just be happy with tanks at rank III and VI :-)

hey casse, i’d suggest avoiding 9.3 as that BR is CONSTANT uptiers, maybe try a lower BR, and that might help


So 0.5 kd on other tanks is not terrible?)


So, someone comes for advice on the forums, and is immediately ridiculed and berated, how low we have fallen.

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Yes have noticed that it mostly is uptier at 9.3 - thought only BR not uptier would be 11.7 ;-)

All I see is someone asking for lowering of BR of a vehicle they are doing poorly in.

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9.3 gets sucked into the plethora of 10.0-3 premium tanks, so odds are more up tiers in that BR bracket.

Try to flank and not engage head-ons. The M48/T-72 and Leopard 1 tactics are different.

Wondering in my opinion means he is thinking about it. while his screen shot clearly shows that with the same amount of battles he has half te amount of kill compared to the other tanks.
His account indicates he started playing last year or at least joined the forum.

Not everyone is a tank ace, and makes mistakes or plays not to the vehicles strength.

this is an appropriate response:

Did you want any advice?

Thanks - have already received a lot of advise on this issue, have learnt something :-)

I joined the game more than 10 years ago, however with focus on aviation, just last 2 - 3 years I tried starting a career in tanks, with somewhat mixed success.

I don’t think the Leopard is particularly fragile. Against APHE maybe, but IS-7/Object 279 are rare and the APHE firing tanks like T-55s usually don’t main the APHE shell.

Armor does not matter at 9.3 anyway (unless you’re playing Russian tanks)