Leichter Kampfwagen II mit Kanone LK. II

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I would like to suggest yet another WWI tank, that is armed with more than just MGs, the LK. II armed with an 57 mm Maxim-Nordenfelt Sockel Kanone and optionally (as an modification) a 37 mm TAK 1918 L/21.

In game it would be (especially if there would be a WW1 mode someday) a low Br tank that would offer an alternative ot the A7V, in form of an overall better design, with less armor but better situational over hills. Furthermore would it show the continued Tank developend of Germany in WW1 after the realtive failure of the A7V.

After the development and consturction of 20 A7V tanks in the role of break-through, german designers concluded that also more agile light tanks for the cavalry role were needed. Work started on the Leichter Kampfwagen or LK. I, which was further improved into the LK. II after 1 prototype was build and designflaws were noticed, such as the weak track overhang construction to the front as well as the unsufficend airflow through the front grill.

It looks similar to the British Medium Mark A whippet tank, however that is only because of the similarity of the design requirements, as it was impossible for the German army to know of the british development.

The LK.II had an improved design with a new frontal plate of 14,5mm angled downwards (instead of the upwards angled grill), shortened track to the front and new width of 25 cm wide tracks.

Overall designed in May 1917 by the A7V designer, Joseph Vollmer, with quick consturtion and allready existing transmission and engine. Authorized to build a Prototype in September 1917 and ready in March 1918. After trails and tests the top speed of 16 km/h was found and other found flaws were redesigned in the LK. II (As mentioned befor above). In June 1918 the Prototype of the LK.II was presented and in July 1918 after further meetings an order of 670 was placed, increased to be 2000 by 30th June 1919 and another planned 2000 by December 1919, those were however never finished and in the end only at least 24 were build until 10th October 1918 and later sold to Sweden and others.

Along these 24 Normal Lk.II the LK.II mit Kanone had at least 2 Prototypes build.
This changed design which incorporated desing elements of the LK.I and LK.II had an 57mm gun in the front instead of an MG. However tests showed that the big gun made the tank back heavy as well as the recoil was seen as too strong for the vehicle, so it was planned to have the production series equipped with the in development 37mm AT gun (3,7 cm TAK 1918), which however was never mounted, as there werent enove build allready at the time and full production never started.

In game however (cince the rest was build and planned) the 57 mm gun and optionally the 37mm gun as a modification to replace it should be available in game, as while the 57mm gun will have more penetration and after effect, tho the 37mm gun higher velocity and reload speed (and still enove pen against WW1 tanks and Armored cars and such). Furthermore the 37mm gun would also have a tracer for the ApI-T ammo, while the 57mm gun doesnt have any tracer ammo.

Pictures: (Click to show)

The Guns:
5,7 cm Maxim-Nordenfelt -10° to +15° elevation 36 Rpm
Ammo: (Click to show)


5,7 cm Gr. m.P (P) (Aphe (Tracerless)) 3,1 kg 0,12 kg Fp.02 401m/s with 30mm/10m penetration.

Screenshot 2023-07-21 215455


5,7 cm Gr. (P) (He (Tracerless)) 2,75 kg 0,16 kg Fp.02 401m/s Some Penetration

Screenshot 2023-07-21 215443

3,7 cm TAK 1918 L/21,6:
Uses Same ammo as the 3,7 cm Sockel-Flak L/14,5, the 37x94mm Casing, combined with the L/21,6 barrle, quite effective for its time.


L'Spur.-Gr. L/2,5 (Stahl) (ApI-T) 0,465 kg 506m/s 22mm/10m

Can be conciddered ApI-T, duo to its huge tracer filling of Barium Nitrate, Magnesium and Shellac.
Screenshot 2024-08-06 191258
Screenshot 2024-08-06 191247

Pzgr. (A) (Aphe-T) 0,67 kg 10g Pent (17g TnTa) 435m/s-494m/s 18-21mm/10m



Sprgr. L/2,5 (Kz.) (He (Tracerless)) 0,47 kg 0,042kg Pieretic Acid (0,0462kg TnTa) 506m/s (Some AP performance)

Some AP Performance, as seen in the British Document, used against tanks up to 880 yards.
Also aparently a 2nd version with base plug, weight of 0,45kg and 0,04kg He Filler.
Screenshot 2024-08-02 140911
Screenshot 2024-08-02 140858

The Vehicle:
LK.II Kasematte
Length / Width / Height: 5,1m / 1,9m / 2,5m
Weight: 9,018 ton
Crew: 3
Engine: Daimler Benz Model 1910 4-Cylinder 60 Ps
Speed: 16 Km/h
Armor: all around 12,5-14,5 mm, Roof 8mm and bottom 3mm
2 Build.
Ammo: 200-300 rounds (depending on the gun).

Notes on German Shells 2nd edition 1918
Geschossringbuch I
Die Technische Entwicklung der deutschen Kampfwagen im Weltkrieg 1914-18
Arsenalen, Swedish Tank Museum

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Eh, why not, a +1 from me

Does it have two Names or am I thinking of a diffrent tank when I say Leichttraktor?

Leichttraktor is a different Interwar Tank.

okay they looked similar that’s why I thought it had two names

Looks are deciving, the LK II is HUGE next to the Leichttraktor.

Yeah some times it’s hard to tell early german light tanks apart until pz 1 and 2