Leaving Gameplay for nothing

Can i Ask what is being done to stop players leaving the game before it starts?
They either hate the map, the BR , cant be bothered etc .
Not only does it unbalance the team and game the player should have some form of forfeit .So many are doing it now ,i understand sometimes server problems happen but not nearly every other game .
Something need sorting out about this ,either play or dont but make up your mind

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Crew lock. That is the system.

Also, noone should ever be penalized for making a decision to stop engaging in recreation.


Thing is they know ways to avoid this outcome, which is a problem when they consistently pick and choose what maps and enemies they face, compared to the rest of us actually playing what we’re given.

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Well, that’s on them to deal with. If they are fine with the crew lock because they leave games then they are cool with it. I leave games when I’m not having fun, and deal with crew lock until I can go back to that lineup. More strict punishments aren’t appropriate for a causal game like this. If it was a more competitive title, I would understand but it isn’t.


I disagree because the picking and choosing impacting everyone elses game is an issue… It’s the same with the ODLs…

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What should be done? And for what circumstances? Is my crew going to be locked out for 2 hours because I had to go help my wife? Should I pay 50k SL because I had to go take a shit? Who will I report my circumstances for leaving to so they can be approved/disapproved? Who will be in charge of the leaving permission Gestapo? Should I suffer for 15 minutes because my team absolutely crumbled and lose more SL by throwing vehicles at them in vain? Should I shit myself because the RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY wants to make my experience worse because I have other things in my life that may require attention beyond Warthunder? No punishment really makes sense because not everyone constantly leaves games to get better ones, and everyone shouldn’t be treated like they do. Some people don’t take this game so seriously.


It’s the consistancy of someone who does this that makes it obvious… Not the fact that you do it once or twice.

The best indicator is the person telling all chat they’re out because of the map or whatever reason they want to provide to the enemy to make them push harder.

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Agree completely. There is no chance to punish it at all, everyone had time to time tough times and have to leave. RL is much important at all.

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I might leave the game for a number of reasons and its up to me if I do. Not much Gaijin can do.Removing narrow red line maps would help.


Some players must be very unlucky cause other players only leave matches early when they are on their team.

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Ask not what can be done to punish players for leaving.

Ask what can be done do to make players want to stay.


Leavers should be publicly spanked.

Well the only thing that can probably help is if Gaijin looks at the things that make some people choose to leave.
After all, we’re all here to have a good time.

Conquest sucks, uptier sucks, there is a big variation in what maps people like/dislike, ultra narrow red edged maps suck big time etc.


This is not the place to discuss your personal sexual fantasies !!
But on a serious note, as it is the rewards are pretty miniscule for all the effort you have to put in. It seems that the whole world has gone full vindictive psycho mode, all you hear and see is people wailing and gnashing their teeth that everyone should be punished for the smallest of matters, with many being very firmly personnel gripes not legal or even morale.
There are many reasons why people are not enjoying the game or not enjoying it as much as some people think they should be enjoying it. Myself I find it tiring and tedious for something that is supposed to be a leisure activity in a relaxing manner in your free time, I play but with no real enthusiasm or interest.
I only use one vehicle and leave when that is gone, regardless of how early or late it is in the game (with games being 5 minutes long or less it is fairly subjective as to what is a long time), I quit when it is fairly obvious the game is over or the odds are overwhelming, or if I am CASed but the timing on the bomb is off so I get to return to hanger before a kill is registered (no easy hand outs as far as I am concerned you have to put a bit of effort in to get a kill).
As the saying goes you catch more with honey than vinegar and my oh my are a lot of players sour as feck in this game, they should drink some lemon juice, vinegar or battery acid to sweeten themselves up a little.

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Removing the ability to disable joining matches in progress would help for sure.

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Nah, I’m cool with soley having fresh battles, with my SSD setup making me load in as fast as possible.