I understand your concern but currently the Chilean Leopard 2A4 is in the process of modernization by Aselsan, several things are already confirmed it will even have an APS against missiles which I think I have not seen in a Leopard 2, the big question is whether it will have some type of armor additional that would give it a big jump in the BR. If you add the additional shielding the end result would be something like this:
Gaijin please
That would be good to see
To everyone who put this together, I have to say, amazing work. This is a very solid tech tree, complete with lineup options, versatile vehicles, while offering its own unique mix of tanks from around the world. I would definitely play this if added, and I hope it is! +1!
I really love the early armoured cars and other different versions of export vehicles nicely done
i think Brazil deserves its own tab nothing against our neighbor’s its just with a population of 200 million and a large army don’t see why share heli check jet check tanks half assed check because still in process of picking a new mbt
OMG! As a Brazilian player, I would say I would lose my family and drop out of university to play with all these vehicles!! Nice job!
The same could be done with planes and maybe even helicopters. As mentioned, a Brazilian only tree would have some gaps, same as an Argentinian only, Chilean only etc, but combining Latin America would make a complete and unique tech tree. It would be interesting to see things like the A-29 or more broadly, eastern and western equipment in the same tree, F-16s, MiG-29s, Su-30 and Gripen E in the future and more. So yeah, great to see something like that being proposed.
Upvote! that would be so nice to see… I’d pay a lot of money into premium vehicles, i dont care if i have to pay $1000.
Just do it Gaijin.
I agree!
I believe that any Latino would be willing to pay whatever it takes to have a premium vehicle from their nation, if something that moves Latin Americans is national pride. I would at least pay anything for some Chile in the game haha
nice one no cap
+1, I’d love to see this added to the game! To flesh it out a bit more, especially at higher battle ratings, you could add Spain and Portugal.
Spain can stand on it’s own.
With a Portuguese sub-tree it would be especially good.
LATAM supporters try to speak English challenge: impossible
Is the “LTP” the Pz 38(t)? aka LT vz. 38.
Actually Peru received a score of these as the LT vz. 38, not Pz38
I see the Peru flag in background, so will assume that is what it is.
The Osório is in the tree and in 3 versions, take a closer look!
The LTP is the variant of the LT vz. 38 made specifically for Peru. It’s not really a Panzer 38(t), it’s its own thing. Check it in the spoilers to know a bit more about it.
Gaijin is really sleeping on this one, the sheer variety of vehicles in this tree would seriously benefit the game
At the time of writing this, we have just reached over 5000 voters, and still counting! I can’t thank the community enough for the massive support they are showing! This proposal certainly touched the hearts of many Latin American players, who all felt the need to have their country represented in the game in some way. Some even decided to join the forum for their very first time just to show support! This is an incredible phenomenon.
I personally wouldn’t doubt that some of the higher ups are already taking a look at this in an unofficial way, but until an official statement is made, let’s keep voicing our opinion and supporting this project!
This is just the beginning btw, as we have plenty of work ahead of us. The aircraft tree is almost done and should be submitted soon for discussion, and the naval and helicopter trees will follow suit. We’ll also be sharing more detailed information about each vehicle in the ground tree here in this thread, so stay tuned!
oI’m looking forward to seeing the aerial tree, it would be great to fly Brazil’s F5 or the Brazilian Gripen itself