Latin American Ground Forces Tree

There was a calculator available online that allowed you to add two range penetration values, but I can’t remember the link. I will search for it later.
But but but, as I said before, it does not calculate from a single value (for example muzzle penetration), so either we would have to look for similar barrels and perform analogous calculations or to ask someone who understands external ballistics for help.


The penetration of 57mm was obtained with data you had provided to me at some point. A 5kg projectile at a speed of 500m/s. Using Gaijin’s calculator, that gives a penetration of 57mm. If you found new and more credible information that mentions the shell weighting more and being slightly faster, that’s great!


You should add the Ti-67 from Uruguay, its basically a modernized t-55 with an american canon M67, (An american version of the English L-7 canon)


It’s already in the tree, and its name is Tiran 5Sh. It’s in the premium side.

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I didnt saw it, Thank you very much! [Crew voice]

anything below 11.7 doesn’t interest me

A rather strange technology tree that will never be added to the game in this form. But, +1 for a separate technology tree for Brazil, without other countries accordingly

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Venezuela has a vehicle called “Tiuna” equipped with mistral AA missiles

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a shame. It would be nice if they could be implemented

+1, This would be excellent

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I would like to see a lot of the more unique Latin American vehicles like the EE-T1 in the game but putting them in any existing nation feels wrong. I like this concept but I am mainly concerned about the top tier lineup since that’s part of what makes a tree attractive. As of now the prospects in that area are pretty poor, especially for MBTs. From what I understand (which admittedly might not be much) there isn’t really a desire for heavy armor in Latin America, so future additions to the medium tank line are unlikely. While having a tree that focuses on light armor in the top ranks is interesting, it may not be particularly well received or fun to play against nations with lineups of four or five main battle tanks. There also isn’t a large amount of these light vehicles to go around in the first place, considering that if we look at the proposed tree there are only two light tanks above 10.0 and they are both Centauros.

Basically +1, the tree has potential but I’m worried about top tier


an addition to place between the Guarani and the centauro II, EE-9U Cascavel modernized, currently only has 1 unit delivered but the total order is much larger, it is equipped with the same 90mm cannon, but will come equipped with anti-tank missiles Spike LR2 plus thermal and day vision.

images - 2024-01-30T201608.420


line of joy, joy of players who like vehicles with wheels


Argentine ground granades and projectiles are a pain.
We can improve this boy a litte, giving a 6.32kg solid projectile, with an speed of 510mps, without charge and a penetration of 66mm at 0 mts.


The Gaijin Calculator lol

It is the Achilles’ heel, but it is also quite representative of the region, so it maintains its identity. Many rank 7 vehicles could raise their BR if they get better shells. That depends on the snail.
To be honest, the top tier is really there and the IP, SL and GE values of the vehicles should be the same as the top tier of any other TT, regardless of its BR. When the Israeli TT came out, Machbet was 9.3 and had the same costs (IP, SL, GE) as a crotale or a Tunguska.

Plus, with some magic dust from the Snail, VT-4 could become the F-16AJ. Actually, if there is a will on the part of Gaijin for a LATAM TT, the solutions will appear (as they always do, when there is a will).



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This site Online Conversion - Armor Penetration Calculator allows us to insert a pair of penetration values at specific distances and thus obtain the penetration values at requested distances.

For example, the Bofors 75mm/37.3cs (data: 6.8kg, speed 595mps) we know the penetration of 62mm @ 500m and we calculated the gaijin de marre penetration of 75mm @ 0m.
So we insert those numbers and obtain:

  • 75mm @ 0m;
  • 68mm @ 250m;
  • 62mm @ 500m;
  • 56mm @ 750m; and
  • 51mm @ 1000m.
    We can expect these numbers in the Crusaders with Bofors 75mm.
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This is what we mean by it: New formuls for calculating of the armour piercing — War Thunder Wiki

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They are very close to what I had in mind.

There is evidence that the EA’s Krupp and Bofors artillery pieces shared the same logistics, so yes, the crusader would have the same firepower.

I know lol! do not misunderstand.

I was just making fun of gaijin, who changes his formulas when it suits him. It was just a joke.

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No worries haha

I invite you (and anyone else reading this) to join our discord btw WT LATAM Project

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