Putting it that way, I suppose it makes sense. But whether Gaijin wants to do that or not, it’s up to them, then.
Yep, same here. 37x178mmR and the gun being a 37mm L/44 tank gun. Some very dubious source claimed the projectile weighted 0.5kg and had a muzzle velocity of 500m/s. Throwing that into Gaijin’s penetration calculator gives a max pen of just 23.63mm… shrug.
I wasn’t aware of this modification! Do you have more info or a source to share?
I had only found this info on Tank Encyclopedia so that’s the limit of my knowledge on this modification. I’ll look into it tomorrow, but you should be able to narrow down what autocannon Cuba used for it.
Has a aviation version been made?
It’s in the works. It should be posted in the following weeks. This whole project was devised with all trees (planes, tanks, helicopters, boats and ships) in mind.
O leopard 1a5br seria bom em tese , já que ele é mordenizado se comparado com o leopard1a5 padrão , mas sinceramente não tem do que reclamar, está maravilhoso assim!
I understand what I am talking about, but I do not see the introduction of Latam as an investigative tree as feasible by any means. it would be like NATO being included as an investigative nation at the end.
what’s the point of adding more vehicles that are mostly copy paste?
if it were only own vehicles and we understand that by own developed in their countries that were not prototypes would be interesting. in any case it would be the nation with more potential for event vehicles.
There’s not much of a point to it, which is why I objected to adding it unless a modernization brings more changes.
Maybe you will call me crazy, but I would add Spain and Portugal to the tech tree, they can bring top tier + add some more options for ground and air, while they aren’t part of Latin America, but imo they can have a place in such TT.
I would like to see more unique vehicles added if we got a new country tree as it would make no sense to have a copy and past country tree just to have a different flag on them. No one is going to grind out Germany then another country just to play the same tank.
This is a Latin American tree, not a Latino-Iberian tree. Spain and Portugal have no place in it, sorry.
Unless you count copy-pastes like the Portuguese Leopard 2A6, the only thing that’d add to this tree’s top tier would be the Leopard 2E, as far as I know.
Did you take a closer look at the vehicles? They are not simply “rebranded”. The majority of them have some level of modification/modernization by a Latin American country (some on a higher level than others).
And besides, like someone else already said here in this thread, top tier isn’t everything. If you just play the game to grind a whole tree to then just play the top tier, your gameplay experience must be very frustrating. If you already own a Leopard 2 and want to play just that, then why would you grind a whole different tree? Weird mindset.
OK so i like to play Tier 3 so every nation has the sherman. is the sherman in this tier going to have more modernization? No it wouldnt. its going to be a copy paste with a different flag and camo. So again i would be girding a nation to play the same tank i have already unlocked in 4 other country tech trees with a different flag and camo on them. why do i need a 5th one? Top teir would have the modernization you speak of but that would be a small change to a vehicle that is already in the game. So again regardless of the BR they are the same vehicles with very insignificant changes so it really wouldnt warrant a new nation tree just to have a flag on it. You can buy your countries flag for 500 GE and stick it on everything you own. Your argument has no merit. Wanting copy paste tanks in a new country line up just to say its Latin America is a Weird mindset.
You’re just being picky here. Sure it’s a Sherman, but it has some differences that can lead to a new experience. The M4A4 Remotorizado, Firefly Modernizado and M4 CPDB all have noticeable improvement on mobility, being on par with the M4A3 (76) W in game. Not to mention that the Firefly Modernizado itself also equipped with APDS, making it a real interesting tank to play. Imagine a fast Firefly with APDS? This does not exist in game currently.
You could say the same about the Swedish tree, which pretty much ends with Leopard 2s. Just add a Swedish flag decal onto a German Leopard 2 and pretend it’s a Strv 121/122, and call it a day? With complete disregard for all the interesting domestic vehicles and modifications that are offered by the Swedish tree?
Sure there is a legit copy-paste here and there, but they are necessary to fill gaps or form lineups. Gaijin is very aware of that, which is why there are multiple Shermans across many trees like you said. And sometimes they also just add a copy-paste because they feel like doing it. So there isn’t really anything revolting with doing the same on the LATAM tree (especially since aside from the M4A1E9, there really are local modifications to the other Shermans in this tree).
Either you don’t understand how the game works or you don’t understand anything about it. Or probably both.
You are speaking from ignorance and at the same time (and with little effort) you are trying to waste hours of work from these guys.
On the one hand, the TT offers an excellent variety of unique things that you won’t see in another TT. On the other hand, the selected versions of the vehicles already existing in the game (which some like you here call c&p) were done very well and is the most notable thing about the TT, because it means low effort for Gaijin when it comes to implementing them, and at the same time it is a new vehicle, because it offers different gameplay than other versions.
The Chinese TT IS-2 is a copy of the Soviet IS-2. That’s c&p. If there is something that this TT does not have, it is “copy and paste”.
Take the time to read the proposal carefully, be more grateful and if you are not interested in the topic, I suggest some other section of the forum. Greetings.
the Swedish tech tree has a unique vehicles in it especially at lower tier. They also have some american, british and german mixed in as well. top tier they do have a modified leopard. Like is said though they have domestic unique vehicles to play in their line up. Your proposed doesnt have anything unique about it other than calling it Latin America everything else is just another nations tank with a different flag on it.
The US line up has a Turkish variant of the M60 in it. Does that mean Turkey needs its own tech tree? American has a Premium Greek vehicle in it do we need to have a full tech tree for greeks? Should we have a full tech tree for Kazakhstan? They import all russian vehicles so we can have a full line up of russian tanks, along with a full line up of russian exports of the same type that play exactly the same but have a different flag on them. Sweden goth the leo+ because they needed a top tier tank and it is in their military line up. Plenty of people complained about the sweedish getting the leo because they wanted a sweedish tank for their top tier.
Every tech tree we have now has some unique vehicles to them that are domestically produced. They do have some imports to fill out the tree, but the country did import those vehicles. With out a variety of uniqueness to the tree there is no sense in putting it in.
With the exception of US and USSR, I suggest you go and check out all the TTs in the game and see the huge amount of “copies” or vehicle modifications with a small amount of exclusive stuff (For example, according to your criteria Israel only offers the Merkava, the rest is C&P).
And I tell you more, in the future, the new available nations will have more and more “c&p”. Get used to it, watch other TTs, educate yourself, then form an opinion and only then share it on the forums.
The way you described the Swedish tree can be perfectly used to describe the LATAM tree as well. There are lots of domestic vehicles such as all the EE-9s and EE-11s, the Nahuel, the Tamoyo, the TAM, the Osório… plus plenty of unique modifications like the AMX-30VE, the Tifón-2A, the Peruvian AMX-13s… and there are also imports, which they did use, or at the very least it was made just for them, like the LTP and the PT-91P.
I kindly ask you to take a better look at the vehicles. Or else I’m gonna start thinking you’re just a hater.
Trying to talk down to me to make yourself feel superior is childish to say the least.
They chose to put in the hours to put this together no one made them do anything. I do not need to take anything into consideration for the time they put in. That alone is an arrogant statement. The time they put is is meaning less. Your replies show more ignorance than anything else.
See you have no technical reasons this tree should ever see the light of day. Your post are simply trying to act in a superior way and attacking me personally because your feelings got hurt that i dont want to see the tree added due to the copy past aspect. You need to take the time to understand how the game works and, and separate your feelings and your pride to see the technical reasons this wont happen. If you want to try and to continue to insult me feel free to message me, but i refuse to engage with someone that sinks to insulting someone because they disagree with them because of hurt feelings and pride.