Late BR French SPAAs problem

Hello c:

I would like to know, why late BR French SPAAs seem so hard mode. We have AMX-30 DCA, which is a great spaa and a vehicle, sadly bcs of the reload of 40 second (30 sec if crew is aced) it can’t really compete. Especially when you are put in a team with Gepards, Sgt Yorks, Marksmans. When you are reloading, they will keep shooting and killing your possible assists, if not kills. It’s just feels a bit… silly imo. I understand this game tries to be as realistic as possible, but imho, for the sake of balance I would reconsider, unless there is a replacement for said vehicle, which there is not, as it’s the only 8.7 BR vehicle as of now.

Another issue I find, which is a bit of an issue, not a big one though, is SANTAL. Mistrals seem to lock on jets no problem, and I mean the heat-seeker lock, not the radar lock. However, that does not apply to helicopters. And I’ve checked range for my missiles, it’s 6km. With radar lock, usually helicopter is like 3.5-4.5km, but my heat-seeker still won’t lock on them, making them able to just eliminate my teammates one by one, when I’ll be sitting in spawn, waiting for eternity, until maybe it locks. It really cannot be just jet thing, since heat-seeker locks onto props from early BRs and I really think helicopter engines do enough heat for heat-seeker to catch it. It feels a bit… useless, because at the BR it is, there will be a lot of helicopters in the air. And me, having it in lineup, since I have almost nothing else to spade, really would like to be useful for my team, when I don’t have enough points to spawn in tanks :)

And finally, the last one I have a problem with. AMX-30 Roland 1. As much as the missile isn’t the issue, even if I am a bit bad with manual guided missile (which is when I have to guide the missile, instead of missile guiding itself like in SANTAL), why it has only 35 degrees of upward elevation? Any other Roland carrier doesn’t have that bad elevation. And there are planes that will go above 35 degrees. Maybe even sit above the battlefield for the rest of the game, with me unable to even try do anything. It really makes the thing useless, just like Swedish Lvrbv 701, which also can’t elevate above 35 degrees. I tried several times to play with them, but it just feels impossible to be effective. (Also, I am not going to point out the uselessness of rangefinder of AMX-30 Roland 1, which is probably another “historically-accurate” element, which could just not exist in the game and I am sure nobody would complain. It is an “xD” module)

There, that’s all from me c:

Just don’t try to melt your barrel man.
Remember that you have the same guns as the falcon, of which gives you the ability to fire around 300 rounds in a burst, which is insane.
Also remember the only options some countries get for spaa at this br either have really bad radars (Marconi s-400 lol) or have crippling overheating issues like the 35mm Oerlikon. (and in some cases both, yes I mean the chieftain marksman britain suffers)
Take bursts, not prolonged fire.
Actual advice.

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