Last Chance Spawn Mechanic for Ground Battles

One of the principal issues of top tier tank battles is that in it, people are returning to hangar with one life only, and leaving once the enemy team “steam rolls” your own and begins spawn camping leaving you with no mode of recovering and losing a match, which reduces the RP gain from battle activity too.

To address this, we could use an idea inspired by Naval Enduring Confrontation, and it goes like this: The enemy team has captured all the zones, and naturally is now pushing towards your spawn to kill any tanks that attempt to leave it.

Once the zone disadvantage (example image shows one, but this applies for multiple zones if, all zones captured by the enemy) is established, a temporary spawn point(s) that is randomly selected from a set of locations will turn on.

This allows the losing team to spawn closer to the objectives, and far away from spawn campers, such that they can go back to exerting pressure and recovering from an absolute loss.

The enemy team will have to move to defend the objectives if they don’t wish to lose the advantage, thus alleviating pressure off of spawns which will allow a fairer game overall, and a more prolonged match, which will lead to higher RP gains based off of battle activity.

The spawn points can be based off of map, and can be part of a set of predetermined points that shuffle in appearance in order to not just become another spawn location for the enemy to sit outside of.

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Not to say issue of terrible spawns in general or fighting at disadvantage due to ODLs doesnt exist, it definetively does, but the solution isnt to throw a bone to a team tha got steamrolled.

These issues need to be adressed differently, for example by adding more normal spawns to maps that cant be shot into from the enemy spawn; and/or introducing harsher penalties for ODLs.

At no point the solution to these issues is to allow the losing team to spawn in almost perfect flanking positions to counterattack the winning team.


The major flaw with this is all points captured AND enemies on the spawn map.
This would indicate that this would be later in the match… after many people lost their spawn points/tanks and already left.

I do not think I can support this in any form for the following reason:

I came up with a few ideas to make this work and the one that stuck is…
For every minute of the match RP gains increase by 5% over the previous minute using the existing base RP rewards for the start of the match.

However, if that was implemented, then your post’s idea isn’t necessary cause people would naturally slow down and play longer, making your suggestion sadly obsolete.

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Sounds good, basically like getting reinforcements joining from a different direction to aid with the fight.


i dont like this respawn system

if really wanna gaijin changed before long long time ago can be
but give a shit

respawn nonsense unrealistic

lot of many way better not need this shit i reborn and shot my face 6 enemy

why 5-6 vehicle when round max 4min and kill respawn point cant start a new
so lot of people enough 1 tank no need more and then will be unbalanced game because no spaa no more tanks, airplanes etc…


this is just a very fast example how can base build system because need more task for vehicles: helicopter, supporter lights… etc need separate
so they can capture and building a real base not just stay and wait for dead
example need helicopters capture a base there when building airfield
after→ airfields can fly airplanes
need some reason in this game A B C cap points nonsense boring this game still only: TDM team death match whos will fast killing respawn point so why need capture point

I fully agree, something must be done against the omnipresent spawncamping. And I think open up a new spawnpoint to add a new angle for a conterattack would be a hugh benefit for ground battles.
I think after capturing a point the next step should be defending the point and not grinding kills by surrounding the enemy spawn.
The alternative would be dumping the SP system and spawn once only.

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I would rather like to see penlaties for spawncampers.

I’m not keen on the last point you made. I have had many a battle where continuing to spawn and push led to a win, if that was taken away more matches would be lost.

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