Laserfinder at Top tier tanks

Can someone explain me why the top tier nations like USA, GERMANY, SWEEDEN, BRITISH have the Laserfinder modification at rank 4 , while the rest of the nation have it at Rank 2 or Rank 4? Can we address the fact that these mention nations need more than 100k RP to unlock the modification, while the other nation need like less than 30k?

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Cause it isn’t a necessity more a nice to have…
Smoke grenades are more of a necessity than laser range finders and thermals TBH.
Tho in simulator battles, laser range finders are indeed necessary.

In my opinion i do find it necessary especially for the long range maps. Smoke is a bonus for me but the moment you were hit, get damaged or spotted, you are most of the time dead. Thermal is also a necessity at lower research rank.


Smoke isn’t used when you’re hit… that’s how you die.

LRF makes sniping at top tier much faster and simpler

Just bind the LRF to some easy to reach button and get it into muscle memory

turns the game into a point and click

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I don’t know what decides what rank modification it is placed as but it does seem weird for it to be different for different nations (if its consistent on all tanks within a nation).

The RP needed to unlock will be different for every tank as the total for every rank of modifications is the same. So a tank with only 3 modifications in rank 2 will have more “expensive” individual modifications compared to a tank with 5 modifications in rank 2, BUT the total for rank 2 modifications of both tanks will be the same.


Which does not explain why it varies in position between nation.

Similar is UK planes with the useful cannon mod sitting at 3/4 when other nations have them at 1/2.

So, why the difference?