Laser guide bomb performance questions

Wait another thing i notice is AGM-65E only can fire 10KM because the range of laser? (It display on screen 10000m) but normal mav can lunch even from 18km
Is that mean laser are actually have 10km range? Further than that laser cannot reach?

Uh… Ive yet to use them and probably wont much. So cant really comment…

If Id hazard a guess though. They probably can be used further a field, but the tiniest wisp of cloud stops it or something.

Had something similar with both AGM-65Ds and PGM-2000s in SB before (which yes i know, neither are laser guided)

Actually scratch that. I think they are just a buggy mess right now

In true Gaijin fashion, eh?

Stinger nerf 2: Electric boogaloo.

Normal mavericks use TV/IR guidance, so they have a longer guidance range.
The range of laser maverick is limited by the laser acquisition range of the seeker.
KAB-50L from Russian UAV can hit targets more than 15km away, so it’s not the laser problem,it’s seeker problem.

I’ve asked over in the Harrier II thread. usually a good place to get an answer on the AGM-65E from Gunjob

Want me to ask him on discord?

So 10km is right? though Im surprised it didnt have something like LOAL

Not at this time of night. Besides for something like this I prefer to ask on the forums where others can see the answer rather than just on discord where only a few can see the answer

Fair enough.

Just in the game.
Someone in forum found newsletter about laser maverick hit targets 20+km away.And gaijin ignored that.

I understand why though, that kind of source isnt that reliable. Also again, maybe its LOAL rather than lock range. Maybe the seeker can only see out to 10km but the missile can be fired and will travel 10-13km before seeing the laser, at which point it locks on and corrects to target. enabling a hit out to 20-23km

Meaning the 10km range is technically correct but for some reason they cant model LOAL or something (which i doubt but this is gaijin we are talking about)

We’ve already had LOAL & ‘Man in the Loop’ in this game on a few occassions (remember the UDES Spike massacre?). Chances are Gaijin thinks it’d be “too OP” (but Su-25SM3 isn’t for some reason…).

likely a balance stuff.
LOAL isn’t a thing because most NATO GBUs are using LOAL now, their laser acquisition range(3600m) sucks.bombs need to fly into 3000 range to see the laser.

Yep, probably.

(God Im fearing the state of Brimstones if/when we get them)

I’ll be your Herald of Doom and say this outright:

Worse Mavericks.

I am legitmately expecting 100% C&P code of the IIR Mavs like AGM-65Gs, with a smaller warhead that will rarely kill and the only meaningful advantage will be volume of fire.

So am I. Gaijin has a severe allergy to making anything Western actually equal with their real life counterparts capability wise (PARS, Spikes, Leo 2s, M1s, Chally 2s, etc etc etc), this won’t be any different.

I am also low-key expecting them to make an excuse that the game’s engine disallows proper modeling of the EFTs FM and it will be either a Gripen C&P or pure garbage because reasons #1 and #2.

The minimum Im hoping from the Brimstones is the ability to wipe out an entire convoy in sim in a single pass. If they are AGM-65 esk then that will doable and i;'ll be happy. It would be a shame if I had to lock and fire each manually. but balance is balance I suppose.

Typhoon… I fear it. If nothing else. it has a TWR higher than 1 and how gaijin handles flare resistance is all based upon thrust to flare ratios. Combine with the fact it uses BOL and it might genuinely be impossible to defeat any IR missile in the Typhoon.

Overall handling… Yeah… Im not looking forward to the “F-16 can beat the Typhoon so why cant it in game” BS threads that will pop up and the nerfs that will come as a result


With that it make German CAS which only fat ass tornado IDS are useless because it Tornado need speed and range to survive as CAS against SAM especially Pantsir