Laser guide bomb performance questions

I really curious about how Laser guided bomb performance in this games it seem to me right now it not performs like it should be
so the questions are

Do they really can’t drop above mach 1 speed irl?

And they really can’t see the laser until range like 3km or less irl?

because i notice after many traits try drop them at alt around 9000meter with correct path CCIP and they seem to miss even Stationary target
Do they really perform that bad or it just Gaijin dark liberty document that made them bad?

The issue is the airflow over the bomb causing it to thrown back up into the airframe when dropped from high speeds. Its possible to do, but can be very dangerous. I think some aircraft may employ ejector rails which force the bomb away from aircraft which may mitigate this affect. But dont quote on me on that.

I imagine they do have a limited sight range, but I have no idea what it is IRL. Though typically it wouldnt matter because they would be dropped using CCRP and its unlikely the target will move that far, and if that was a concern, they would be dropped later and in the path of the target.

Im not sure whats going on there. Perhaps share a clip of it doing that. I’ve yet to have any issues that couldnt be explained by me making a mistake. Only thing that comes to mind is induced error in the manual CCRP you have to do with GBUs. meaning a slight delay in release. Not noticable at low alt, But a major issue at high alt. Had this even with CCRP controlling the release of unguided bombs onto bases. Rarely do I drop above 15k ft for that exact reason

Will do right now I kinda addicted to Space marine 2

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As good an answer as any. Need to get that at some point, but got other expenses in coming weeks. So shall ahve to wait


Gaijin ignored available source and nerf all NATO LGB’s Laser acquisition range and FOV to PAVEWAY-I level.


Just checked myself. Dropping a Paveway II from 35k ft (11’000m) just to check there was no wierdness and I scored a direct hit.

2 things though. Firstly the Tpod struggled to even lock on at that range. So a good chance maybe the laser wasnt quite on target and secondly, I could see it being really easy to drop too late. Especially with server desync or some slight lag. Dropping in a test flight is super easy in comparison. Especially as Im not worrying about anything going around me.

For the Emperor!

Hm i throw it like from far away but seem laser reaction laser like 3 kilometer result miss i’ll make video when i have time

If you are lofting as well, then Id say 100% just a timing error. They really really really need to make it so that GBUs can be dropped with automatic release. The bomb is missing the target too much and either beyond the sight of the laser or too far to correct in time.

A second too late and a few degrees off target could mean 10km off target when you factor in alt as well

So basically mean can’t hit moving target at long distance?

Assuming you are at that alt to avoid enemy SAMs.

Id try limiting the loft to 5-10 degrees max. To minimise on the timing errors (if possible dont loft at all and drop from a level flight)

After that, jump into replay after a miss and use the sensor mode to track the bomb. Check you arent releasing a second too late. (easy to do with server lag/desync) and the interface isnt great either for precise timing drops which become exponetially more needed the further away you are dropping from.

If the release was good (angle and timing) and the bomb appears to be tracking to the target correctly and then just stops for whatever reason. Then Id submit a bug report.

Also… Only so far a bomb can move. If the target moves beyond that range, it will miss. The higher you drop. the longer it takes for the bomb to reach the target and the more likely the enemy will move beyond its range.

So basically bomb don’t adjust flight path like it used to now? Because before nerfed i was able to drop from range like 16KM at high ALT against Pantsir and it seem to adjust the flight path wherever laser point for entire flight until it hit (around 40sec)
Now it just fly straight and laser seeker seem to start activate when it very close and try to adjust which often too late and result miss

They recieved a significantly narrower FoV for their seeker (which I think was accurate) as before they gave it double as a bodge for some issue with the CCRP or something.

Without seeing a clip actually in-game or a replay to inspect with the sensor view. I have no idea what is going on

Got it

The laser acquisition area is just 1/4 the area of GBUs in real life.Targets just need to drive hundreds meters and the bomb is lost.

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Wait another thing i notice is AGM-65E only can fire 10KM because the range of laser? (It display on screen 10000m) but normal mav can lunch even from 18km
Is that mean laser are actually have 10km range? Further than that laser cannot reach?

Uh… Ive yet to use them and probably wont much. So cant really comment…

If Id hazard a guess though. They probably can be used further a field, but the tiniest wisp of cloud stops it or something.

Had something similar with both AGM-65Ds and PGM-2000s in SB before (which yes i know, neither are laser guided)

Actually scratch that. I think they are just a buggy mess right now

In true Gaijin fashion, eh?

Stinger nerf 2: Electric boogaloo.

Normal mavericks use TV/IR guidance, so they have a longer guidance range.
The range of laser maverick is limited by the laser acquisition range of the seeker.
KAB-50L from Russian UAV can hit targets more than 15km away, so it’s not the laser problem,it’s seeker problem.

I’ve asked over in the Harrier II thread. usually a good place to get an answer on the AGM-65E from Gunjob