Lager Maps in High Tier! Why Only Small maps in High Tier Ground RB?!

I’m thinking about uninstalling the game because I only get maps that I don’t enjoy.

What happened to large maps like Maginot Line, Red Desert, Fulda, Firearc and Volokolamsk? All maps that I have liked but never play. Instead I get Sweden, Finland, Japan, middle east, advance the rhine, ardennes (the small version with 170m/square), port Novorossisyk x times in a row and the battles are all the same. Sun City, Seversk-13 and Test Site are also all the same maps. Open area on the A-point so you can “snipe” (distance <1km), city on the B and C-point, plus there are countless 90° angles to cover. “so varied” (sarcasm off).

I only play >BR 10.0. Tanks in that era have combat ranges of several kilometres and we drive around on maps that are a maximum of 1.5 km² in size.

City Maps are super Bad for certain Types o vehicles (thinking of Italian 10.3)
-Ariete = Super weak Armor but good Ammo, Gun Handling, Reverse Gear (perfect for more open Long range maps)
-Freccia = Spikes are super unreliable in close quaters combat. Mobility is useless on tiny city maps when you are in the enemy spawn litteraly 30secs after spawning in.
-Most Helicopters are useless on maps like Sweden, Sun City, Alaska, Advance the Rhine. (the list goes on)

I don’t mind waiting a little longer if I get a map that I enjoy in return.

Please give us more bans, or better preferences. Larger Maps in Top Tier!


Still waiting for 50x50 km map for tanks
Or at least 25x25


We don’t need ARMA-level maps. (Even if I would be interested to play them)
I just don’t want maps where 3 T-80s are standing in my spawn/shooting at my spawn after 30 seconds.
Or urban canyons that always look the same with 90° intersections.

Every battle plays identically because every battle is identical.


Would even be a pretty good start if we just get br caps on more of the small maps. There’s only like 4 maps with a br cap currently. And we have maps like Advance to the Rhine that is available at 1.0 all the way up to fucking top tier.


They need to use some maps from air SB, maybe cut them and make more detalisation



I dont get why Stalingrad/Berlin got capped recently but Advance the Rhine, Port Novorossi., Small Hürtgen/Ardennes etc did not get capped.

I don’t get it!


What I do when I get a small map is I leave the match. I rather take the penelty of crew lock then suffer.
I play sim so waiting 15 minutes for a match is normal.

What is to be understood is that there are players who prefer such smaller maps, but this means not you have to play them. There are times where you have a new vehciel that has not so good ranged ammo and such a map is benefitical.

I am also and still hoping that much larger maps will show up. The new fields of poland is promising. Larger maps at top tir also means Sam´s and SPAA have more room in the back to manouver and hide and shoot from. This also means that spawn campers are so far away from cap points that there could not recap in time and have to choose to camp teh spawn or play the objectives. It would also open many more routs to leave the spawn! And so make spawncamping harder. As the sieged players would have more ways to get out of the spawn area.

Good thing is, we can choose ouer poisen. Leave take the L and hope for lady luck to roll your way.


I like lager maps 😆


I want more large maps like 2nd battle of El Alamein, and fewer ones like Red Desert or Sands of Sinai. Being able to move around, while having many places to go is great, but so many maps don’t give you the ability to do that. Flat maps are boring, and promote camping in a single spot.

Atleast it is the most well designed map in the entire game. It is cqc, but it is miles better than any other cqc map in WT. There is more to a map than it’s area.


Most of the maps for ground features only a small area playable, the surroundings are just .png trees and low-poly mountains. If Gaijin would (never) add a large/massive map specifically for long ranges operations, this one would be a completely new map.

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If I see that grid scale is 200m I quit the battle instantly.


Funny having a laser-rangefinder and never having to use it.
And even if I do, the range is almost never more than 1.5 to 2 km max on the really big maps.


I’m looking forward to 100x100km maps right away, at least I’ll be able to go to the hangar right away and not waste time driving to die from idiots who sit 95% of the battle in the bushes, and they say that these are real skills, using a laser rangefinder and standing still on large maps

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If he already has something like that, gaijn should add options for good, map size, as it is with night battles, and I will bet that no one would play it, because most of the community does not like large maps and when you draw one, it comes out after 1 death, because if I wanted to drive, I would play ets 2 and not wt

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We need entire iraq.

All of Russia

Too big
Maybe one region, like a dagestan

me too, map rotaion in hight tier is very bad, 1 on 20 times or more 4km maps, ever 1km ùx 1km maps 220m is ashem. I have stop play in 10.0+ br

Some players replied and showed that they love a bunch of tanks crashing into each other frontally at the range of 100m, [sigh]