So…… with the announcement of the French M46 as the main prize of the upcoming battlepass, I let out yet another long sigh of frustration. Why on gods green earth would I put the money and time into grinding the BP when the reward is literally the exact same machine that’s already in game? What happened Gaijin? The BP used to reward us with UNIQUE vehicles that were super fun to play. Strikemaster? Awesome. PT-76-57? GOAT. Cent Mk.5? Amazing. Plain-Jane M46?? Not a chance in hell. Could someone at least tune us in to what the selection process and criteria are for BP main prizes? How did we settle on a copy of arguably one of the most boring vehicles in the game as a paid premium reward? Surely yall don’t think that people will actually be excited about that, right? This has to be a quick money grab strat at best. Literally design a quick new camo, slap a french flag on the stat card and roll it out like it’s some amazing tank to own. Lol. I actually kinda miss grinding the BP, but not for nothing, and the way the BP is set up now, with lame copies and crates for already in game naval vehicles nobody uses, you can count me out till a drastic overhaul is implemented.