KwK 44 Penetration

As far as I have seen in my research, it seems that the penetration of the KwK 44 128 mm gun on the Jagdtiger(and the Maus and E-100) doesn’t have as much penetration as it does in real life. I am referring to the Heavy Charge PzGr 43 the KwK 44 fires in game. Here are some sources: Germany - 12.8cm Pak 44 - 12.8cm Panzerabwehrkanone 44
If I am wrong, I am happy to be proven so, but considering the poor performance of the Jagdtiger in game, this small buff would make the slow reload of the gun worth it, at least.

All or mostly weapons in-game have their penetration values buffed or nerfed for balance purposes, or else you would see Jagdtiger at 8.3.


“The information we use to calculate the penetration tables, flight times and the hit probability comes from the Gun Calibre, the Shell Mass(Kg) and the muzzle velocity, plus range reductions to allow for gravity and wind resistance. This calculation originally came from a pre-war Krupp calculation which has been modified, and seems to fit the actual test results.” quote from provided website, they’re just using a different calculation to gaijin, its impossible to know which calculation is more realistic, but I personally would trust gaijin more for something like this. either way the data is not from real life testing


but the jagdtiger of all things? i do really think, as a jagdtiger main, that it should get something as a trade off for the horrendous reload? it aint underpowered, but it aint needin a nerf!

This penetration is calculated, this shell is actually overperforming, in the game.

Round pens are done via a formula. Pen tables are no longer used.

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Post your stats

I got you.

I guess i should post mine just to be fair.

He doesnt have a terrible k/d in it.

Jagdtiger is not a bad td. But it is limited in the maps that it can do well on.

Might not, it looks like they are only tiny bit better than the one the AMX-50s heavy/M103 uses, but the post pen damage will justify it being higher for sure.

the m103 also, should be able to easily pen or perforate the IS-3’s upper glacis, it also deserves a buff, considering the uselessness of solid shot
anyways im just considering that the jagdtiger is my favorite vehicle, but it does deserve a little more penetration as it’s reload makes it torturous to use

It wont change unless you have sources to change the round speed and/or weight

I prefer buff kwk 44’s reload time, I can’t understand why 2 loaders’ reload time should be worse than those 120mm guns(like T34 or M103)

Same like the Tortoise, it has like 200 crews in there but the reload for a 94mm is considered slow as hell lol

WT reloads are very fake sadly. In real life a Conqueror loaded HESH around 9s, like an IS-2/3.