Kurnass 2000 at 12.3?

Wow, you know so well. Fox1 Fox3 has problems. Why don’t you talk about Fox2’s problems? Are you afraid of overturning the “theories” in front of you?
You like to avoid talking about key issues (2K only Fox2, which lacks active offensive ability), and first belittle Fox1/3, and won’t say the fatal problem of Fox2. It seems that it’s really good in 12.3. In fact, you stole the concept and succeeded in changing it, but I’m too lazy to waste time paying attention to you anymore. After all, you’re already like this. I submissive you. Medically called “hospice care”

The Fox 2 problem is head-on… that’s really it.
There’s a reason I treat all IR missiles as rear-aspect with few exceptions [9L/9M at 9km head-on, beyond the 5km detection range].

“Active offense” is “I’m giving up my advantage of not being noticed to attempt to scare this man into making a mistake” which doesn’t work.

Radar launches are an opportunity to gain position on the person shooting me, which I do, and they fail every time.
When it finally starts being an issue where they start succeeding, then I have other DCS learned techniques.

AIM-9L has the same flare resistance as Python 3

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wym? i must say it’s undertiered and should be 12.7 instead

i use the k2000. and it feels fine at 12.3 no complaints at all.
290 CM
6 python 3
good platform
downtiers to premium players happen often
just git gud bro

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It’s the same BR as the F-14A, it went up a whole 1.0 BR step when literally every other phantom ingame went up only .7

I highly suggest looking back at this, considering it still lacks any radar missiles and now faces ARH on a regular basis. Its still just a phantom slinging IR missiles only…

What the hell makes you say that?

Getting hit by a pheonix in the k2k sounds like a major skill issue to me. But whatever. My win rate with it stayed the same since the changes

So this is satire?

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The F-14A is as slow in acceleration, barely faster in top speed, no AIM-9Ls, less countermeasures.
The only thing F-14A has is AIM-7s which that weaker radar can’t utilize that well.

I’ve yet to see more than one AV-8B in a match when playing 12.3, that’s the only ARH carrier I’ve seen that’s any resemblance of a threat.

After all, I’d have to have a serious skill issue if I ever considered F-14A a threat. F-14As are so easy to frag and defend against.

I’m not just talking about the Aim-54. You now face the Gripen A regularly, the F-15 regularly, and Aim-120s quite consistently. This massive BR nerf was far from rational or needed. It hurt this plane by quite a lot and changed the average experience per match by a lot more than you understand it out to be.

This plane gets zero Radar or ARH weaponry, and that weaknesses become quite clear in just how important that is. Even more apparent the moment you get into a EC map or mountainous map. The multipath changes and ARH introduction changes everything, and now it faces it even more often than previously. I fail to understand how you think this new BR placement is a rational decision by gaijin when it lacks IRCCM or ARH/SARH missiles, and still is a god damn lead sled.

… you’re joking right?

Hmm lucky you… (but yes the AV-8B+ is the most prominent threat and one I’ve come across very often)

Aim-54s are indeed easy to defeat, however the plane itself is another story, as they have the superior flight performance in every aspect, as well as a really decent missile kit. In a 1 on 1 scenario you’re cooked. And if it’s an F-14B, no point in even trying lmao. Sure if you get a rear aspect missile shot in a tomcat they’re probably cooked (unless it’s an aware F-14B who cuts the engines and spams BOL), but the exact same can be said for you given you’re a bloody phantom, and although the abundant amount of countermeasures can help, it’s a very similar case to the F-14B where once they’re within a certain range, you’re good as dead with those 2 massive ass hot as hell engines.

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The R-24R would like to have a talk with you


R-24R, an AIM-7E-2/Skyflash equivalent missile, easily defeated due to the Mig-23’s rather bad radar.

Yes, except it is:
-Has (almost) double the thurst
-Burns longer
-Pulls harder
-Warms up faster
-Bigger warhead
-Bigger proximity fuse
-Faster guidance start delay
And pretty much every other aspect
Have a look for yourself


1- The speed difference isn’t relevant, and the faster something goes the less maneuverable it is. It’s a sidegrade.
2- Warhead/proxy fuse is one point, and doesn’t matter cause you defeat the missile.
3- The delay isn’t as relevant as you think it is.

Paper stats mean nothing.
All you’ve done is prove they’re equal.

I think unless we have another BR decompressing in not far future, Kurnass 2000 can be fine at 12.0BR in ARB (well, RIP to Kfir C.7 though)

even though she has superior radar than F-4S or F-4K/M, Kurnass 2000 still doesn’t have any kind of SARH or ARH which will make the radar shine. (feels quite similar to T-2 which has PD radar in that low BR but armed with two AIM-9P only.)

and We can see an example of F-16A (6 AIM-9L IR missile only) stayed at 12.7 but ADF(can access AIM-7M) gone 13.0.

Of course, we can also find a counterexample on Netz(6 Python, no SARH but 13.0) but personally, I think Netz which shared the same BR with Belgium F-16A(6 AIM-9M with IRCCM, now 13.3) before and now shares the same BR with JAS39A… is slightly overrated compared to counterparts I think. (I think Netz is some kind of 12.87-ish BR plane. maybe the Round-off calculation caused Netz stuck at 13.0)

Maybe the problem is Gaijin who overrated Python-3…? It seems they think Python-3 is AIM-9M equivalent.
I know it is a better missile than AIM-9L thanks to the faster speed but also think it has some kind of lacklustre point because of non-IRCCM. R.550 Magics are also good missiles but nearly nobody likes to use the Magic-1(The earlier version without IRCCM) on Top Rank-ish matches.

Do you not understand how easily defeated the python is?? I can pop 1 set of flares and avoid it every time…calling it a “meta” missile is laughable. you never have a valid argument you just like to argue.

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Don’t worry, Alvis claims he has yet to die by whatever the post is referring to, he has also claimed to have never died to pantsir. lmaooo


When they pre-flare and aren’t afterburning, which I don’t launch to begin with and instead gun them down.

Pantsir’s missile is a radar missile, which I learned to defeat over 5 years ago.
I get that you’re afraid that people know things you don’t, but that doesn’t change reality.