Kurnass 2000 at 12.3?

Is this some kind of sick joke? or incompetence from gaijin? yet Mig-23 MLD remains at 11.7???


Just sovietsuffers

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Mig-23 MLD doesn’t have access to Python 3s, a missile better than all of Mig-23’s existing missiles.
F-4 is also an easier platform to use.

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Mld have better maneuverability and SARH missiles
Btw thats not 0.6 difference by BR


Maneuverability doesn’t matter as much in air RB like it does for arcade battles.
Chaff removes the SARHs.

23 still have MTI, so can ignore chaffs, if not notching

Which only works in look down, so you just be above the Mig-23 and it’s in standard mode.


Well yes, but also matter that seeker of missile can ignore chaffs, so, if lock still will be near to target - might ignore chaffs.

Python 3 is hardly better than the R-60M…

The Phantom can’t dogfight all that well…

You’re facing SARH missiles on every other plane with constant uptiers and have no reliable counter.

Since you’re such an expert go play it for a day and come back to this post.


lol That’s lack of knowledge.
R-60M is AIM-9J equivalent. It’s so bad it’s equivalent to a rear aspect missile, and the 9J has better flare sensitivity.

RWR and chaff is the reliable counter that works 100% of the time.
I already do play the Kurnass 2000, I’ve yet to die to any radar missile when using it.

Also if you think the F-4 can’t dogfight, you must think Viggen, Mig-21Bis, J35, etc are unplayable…


MTI doesnt work since recently. Mig23s defalut to non-PD search most of the time.

When you trying to abuse multipath yes

So all 14 of your games in it are since the last update? I’m calling BS, you wouldn’t even have the pythons in that amount of games unless you got your wallet out.

The Aim 9L in my experience has better flare resistance, the python and r60 are about equal in that aspect, the python has faster acceleration and a little further range but even the overload seems similar, plus the python takes some time to start tracking.

Like I said, go play it for a day and come back (because I know you haven’t played it since)

Even the F15A is 12.3 yet the Baz is 13.0. 9M with irccm or python 3? Hmm

I’ve never GE’d missiles, it’s called meta earnings tactics which I learned in 2019.
F-15A is 13.0, not 12.0.

You claiming all WT players in the world don’t play is funny.
Python 3 and 9L have identical flare resistance, this is common knowledge.

133,600 RP of modules unlocked.

19,128 base RP x 5 = 95,640 RP from air RB before boosters [which I used]. Average of 5977 RP per match.

5527 x 5 = 27,635 RP. Average of 6908 RP per match.

Total of 123,275 RP before boosters.

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It going from 11.3 to 12.3 is indeed a sick joke. I’m waiting for the next BR changes to bring this up given how absurd it is. It has ZERO radar missiles and faces ARH regularly now. Absolutely appalling change from gaijin, who prove time and time again they don’t know how to balance their vehicles.


Aim-9P4 equivalent in all honesty.

Yeaaahh… sure bud, I take it you haven’t played it in the new matchmaker yet? It went up a full 1.0 BR, unlike literally every other phantom… it faces ARH regularly now.

Just want to leave this hear as some info regarding the plane and my experiences with it for anyone who cares:

I spaded the thing, quite a while ago, and I absolutely adored the thing. Hell I even got an ace in an EC map a long time ago, which is hella hard when you only have IR missiles with practically no flare resistance on such a large map. It may have the best flight performance of any phantom in game, as well as some nice IR missiles (which only have the upside of good acceleration as they have the same if not worse turning circle of the Aim-9L), but that lack of radar guided missiles is a major drawback in the new meta. It’s practically a phantom with only 9-Ls as well as the best agile eagle, and nothing else, its new BR is far from warranted. Its still a fkn phantom at the end of the day…

Again, from 11.3 to 12.3… mind boggling how dumb gaijin can be…

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Nothing changed when I played it a few matches the other day. Kurnass 2000 doesn’t face anything it wasn’t already facing.
It was OP at 11.3 and should’ve been 11.7 with EJ Kai from the start.
More countermeasures and 2 more meta IR missiles for losing SARHs? Easy sidegrade.
Better than flying an F-14A that’s for sure.

Not to be rude, but that’s a blatant lie. Again it moved up a full 1.0 BR step, unlike the vast majority of planes around it only going up ~.7

That’s a joke right? It’s a phantom. A god damn phantom, with only IR missiles (with no flare resistance at that) and ZERO radar missile capabilities… like man…

Alright now I know this is bait


Do you deserve it? 2K and EJKai should be able to talk nonsense with a BR. At present, the ground clutter is reduced to 60 metres. Without AIM7F, it is inferior.
No matter how much Python3 is praised by you, it is not qualified to touch 9M AAM3. It can’t change the level of this plane. This plane lacks Fox1 to gain the ability to take active attack. You can only crawl on the ground like a maggot and pray that the enemy can’t see you or Fox3 and Fox1 shoot. Then you can enter the battle. Use the extremely powerful Python3 that you touted to sneak attack the enemy that doesn’t see you.



9M and AAM-3 are not at the BR of 12.3 your post is implying, they’re at 13.0 with Gripen and F-15 for some dumb reason, and 13.3+ for everything else.

“But! This subsonic strike aircraft!” Stay on topic.
What fox 3? The AV-8s you identified on the RWR and defeated before they even fired? Cause that’s the only threat, some trash strike aircraft.
13.3 is so improbable to get I’ve gotten exclusively down-tiers playing 12.3 aircraft.
Fox 1s are the weakest missile, and sneaking isn’t necessary… never has been.

You haven’t discovered the fatal flaw of Fox 1s yet, and it has to do with the host radar.
Here’s the explanation: A radar lock forces an aircraft to stick with specific maneuvers. All of which are predictable: Corkscrew, merge, intercept, pull, etc.
I did a corkscrew to dodge an AIM-120 when flying my F-16C firing an AIM-7 back at them which connected; they fired first.

Firing first, especially with a weapon that restricts, handicaps, your capabilities, is NOT a good thing.
You want to fire your weapon when you know, or have a solid prediction, it’ll engage the target. Firing first gives them ALL the power to not only defeat your missile; they know which direction you’re coming from, they know the movements you’re restricted to, and they can intercept you with positional advantage.

It’s not who fires first that wins, it’s who fires last.

You likely haven’t discovered the fatal flaw of Fox 3s yet either, and I ain’t giving hints; people need to learn that one on their own for now. DCS and WT videos are already up showcasing flaws.