'Kings of Battle" Update Trailer

hmm so no arty for germany :(

Has that been confirmed anywhere?


I dont see Su-27, F-15, ARM’s

What’s the point of this update then?

Why does every update need to be about powercreep?

The point of this update seems to be the introduction of more artillery systems.

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Yeah, and what’s the point of artillery on point blank range maps???

That is a very good question. xD
We need proper maps to use them properly…otherwise they will just be glass cannons again…

If it was up to me, there would be no ground maps with a size of less than 10x10km, but that seems not to be what the playerbase wants…


I’d want that, though I’m a Britain main, our MBTs were designed for long range combat. Soviet tanks though favour CQB so that’s what we get

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I’d prefer to not have to drive for 10 minutes to get to a cap point personally. Also seems kinda pointless as no tank today can effectively engage past 5km

SRAM in AIR RB would be hilarious.

Oh I hope we will finally get the Hummel and Grille. Halftrack walking stuka would be based.

And why exactly do spawn points need to be within each other’s engagement range?
The only advantage this offers is for people with the attention span of a goldfish.
The current map design does not allow much freedom to move. It’s basically just a handful of lanes to follow, as if we were playing DotA with tanks.

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especcially as both are good IDS’

Question for the OBJ 775, since it’s a crew of two that sits in the turret just like the ELC, I suppose that it also won’t be able to fully rotate the turret as the driver won’t be able to see the road will it ?

if we don’t get the JAS39 Gripen this update i’m going to cry.
0:05 D-point coming back?
0:30 someone know what missile that is?

new visuals for sabot and AA-missile explosions?

Just an AGM 12B afaik

What is the new SAM

I see a Zeppelin or other rigid airship - now THAT would be interesting!!

I think that was just to showcase variations of map props that fit the BR range.

Yeah but it was still more interesting than the rest of it! :)

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looks like Chinese Q-5 strike aircraft

Maybe, I am not sure but Q-5 is the closest one.

I mean we don’t have any large maps in ground. Even in sim, we don’t get like the max version of Tunesia, only the small parts of it