'Kings of Battle" Update Trailer

Type-81 - Jap


Obviously Britain gets a new Hart.

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It also allows for those without laser rangefinders to be able to hit their shots without having to do math calculations using the minimap and squadron mark. Map design is key to prevent access to areas that would be too controlling.
You ideal map seems to be one where you have to drive for a minimum of 4-6 minutes just to be able to see someone and then have to drive several more minutes to get within a distance to be able to actually hit them. And then when you die, you have to drive another 7-9 minutes to get back into position.
You don’t need massive maps to allow for flanking and freedom of movement, just more barriers that block sightlines.

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Just a Q-5 used for the trailer

The one in the trailer looks to be either a C or F

F-16C HMD, just the display

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For good reason I assure you. People don’t like doing nothing for several minutes at the start of the match.

Gripen A wouldn’t be a stretch, it carried Skyflash’s and AIM-9L’s, overall put it at 11.7 and it would be balanced, flight performance wise you can imagine it as a suped up mig-21bis. Radar is good but weapons are not.


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wide putin(

Type 81 mod.(C) for Japan :D

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That is what i’m thinking, given that the armament of the JAS39A/B is the same as the JA37D but with better flight performance it would make a great 12.0 addition. (maybe even 12.3, i’m not super knowledgeable with the JAS39’s flight performance and armaments)
and then when AIM-120 gets released the JAS39C/D would be a logical step up into that BR.

More barriers…maps feel too much like CoD already, why do we need to use vehicles that are designed for engagements at ranges of several kilometers at point blank range? Just to keep the skill ceiling nice and low?

The best tank combat I have seen so far was in the first Red Orchestra game, where players still had to use their brains. In War Thunder it is about who has the best surround sound and internet connection.

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I am about half way through a suggestion post for it. Obviously it won’t make it into this major but as its not top tier, there’s nothing to say it can’t come in a smaller patch or with the Gripen C

It should handle like an improved Mig-21Bis or like the JAS-37 but with some adjustments. Its thrust to weight is just short of 1:1 so given the MIg-23MLD is 11.3 I would put it at 11.7 to be honest, its thrust to weight is like 0.04 higher (1:0.94 vs Gripens 1:0.97).

In-game it would be wholly inferior to the F-16’s at 12.0 other than the radar which may be better. AoA will also be better and energy retention won’t be horrific because of the canards like on the J-8 but still won’t be great.

I was thinking that with the extended intake strake, but wasn’t sure

also people like not dying seconds after spawning in, having liner maps, and being able to be spawncamped within the first 30 seconds

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yes. Exactly this.
Way to much of a cluster f, even in sim sometimes

Tail number indicates A

I mean, is the SAAB Gripen a 5th gen? I don’t think it is, but it might be, and the fact is it will take gaijin forever to add it if they do

Nope, 4th gen.