'Kings of Battle" Update Trailer

Yeah… they are even testing how it will work without fuze and warhead given how missiles are flying right by targets since September lol

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Yeah… it was needed to be honest, I don’t know why they waited for so long… and Russia also needs Su57 as they are also struggling, since other nations are too powerful compared to them, especially Britain and Sweden

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There will be new swedish vehicles. Trailers don’t show every vehicle of an update. So far, every tree gets at least one tank and one plane per update, except for Japan, they didn’t get a plane in the last 2 updates.

that wouldn’t be “blue” and “red” team, but nation based, like it already is.

Well, yes, and the Germans get the me262 hgIII on the 5.7

If so I hope we get WW2 ones like the Bishop, Priest and Sexton.


Finally, I don’t have to hear about the F-111 anymore.

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ww1 (interwar but still) theme map at 0:01? crashed zepelin with independant and french biplane? transitioning into more modern style, maybe br dynamic map styles (would be by far the best addition in wt ground)?


Reminder to those disappointed, we likely haven’t seen everything for this update yet.

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Isn’t that literally just that battlefield 1 map?

(With the blimp)


Another update, another disappointment, time to uninstall till dec I guess


Just watched it, this is the first time I think I’ve ever posted on the forums since making my account many many years ago. I’m really hoping that since I did spot the Osean Air Defense Roundel (Except modified to look similar to the USAF roundel) that Gaijin will add more references to Ace Combat in future updates.

Especially if they ever add the F-15C. Dark, storming weather on the pillars map (Yinshi Valley in Ace7), two Eagles flying side-by-side, quick flashes of the blue and red wingtips. I’d be complete.

By “red” and “blue” I meant the nations that currently use the Su-7 (or 17, I forget) and Jaguar respectively.
That is, NATO allies and Russia allies. But geopolitics is more complex than that so “blue” and “red” was what I went with.

Don’t worry, whatever garbage they are chucking into the UK tree rarely gets a mention in their advertisement.

Already been confirmed, Britain is getting no air and Id be surprised if we get anything more for ground.

I reckon at most, maybe a 7.3 BB and maybe some missing features sorted for Tornado Gr1. Prehaps MAWS for Gr7. Maybe even the long overdue fixes for SRAAM and Red Tops.

the us gets another jet again

more artillery’s that cant be used as artillery


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I think one of the SPGs in the video was the AS90 or it could be the Abbott. A new higher tier SPG for Britain would be cool

Those are Russian I’m fairly sure, but yeah, F-111 gonna go crazy, the question is, will they model the ejection properly? The first artillery shown is defiantly Russian, made obvious by the NSvT on the cupola, and for Israel it’s obviously a M109 Paladin which I figure the US will get too considering it’s originally a US artillery, I feel like saying Sweden is going to get one is a long shot, but they could add something like the archer, it’s not thesible though because of the targeting system.

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Sad day for Japan, I wonder what the new plane is for Sweden, in currently grinding Sweden to the Jakt-Viggen and Saab 105G, also, German PzH 70 would be cool to see

it’s a single unstabilized 20mm with slow slewing and no ATGM

it would actually be better as a BP vehicle

France has much better AA vehicles to offer

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