Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Wot, it got passed? I thought the talks about it were just cuz it fits.

It was passed in 2016 iirc

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Fall down the stairs sound effect


Theres finnish winter camo on soviet vehicles (thats before Sweden or Finland were added in any way), no matter if Finland ever had these soviet vehicles. So its not only an issue with french tanks, but soviet ones as well.

German modified vehicles with french origin should end up in French TT as well IMO (not just in German TT, but French TT as well), France lacks some good vehicles it could have had, compared to anything else interwar-ww2 French TT has to offer.

Found it, suggested in 2016, passed at the end of 2017


Link to the old suggestions forums

and for germany you need to buy the carc camo/standard camo with golden eagles.

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Same for France too.

“You want CARC on your late AMX or Leclercs? Then buy it, oh and it’s the German one. Thanks for the money anyway.”

So we have to buy a wrong thing. At least yours is right.

Urg, disgusting colors…

(wish we could remove event hangar…)


both sucks but I hate how you have a random green color as standard camo and only get the historical used camo only with GE.

Some nations can unlock their service camo though

At least you get an historical one :p

Have to use client made skin if i want my historical one

That’s ridiculous. I’m in the opinion that service camos should be standard. After all it’s what the vehicle used when I’m active duty. …right?


Has anyone seen the latest Thunder show ?

It shows stuff from the up coming update such as Flanders and the F-111.
It makes me this the update could be delayed.


Also hope to get some French nest camo soon, we don’t have any for now.




Look at that, we can even pass the time while reading the newspaper on our camo !


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With that logic applied Germany should have KF-41 and all French post war prototypes like AMX-M4, AMX-50 and Lorraine, since they use German engines…

Germany we know today exists thanks to Napoleon, so all German vehicles must go to France?

Or all tanks that use the basics from the FT ? :p

Not quite true. Even if, what arguement is that supposed to be?
But since Germany and France both are tarced back to a King named Karl or Charlemagne, both tech trees should be rolled into one…

Will be getting it one day.

lol, only engines, while german modified french tanks have whole basis used for them.
Germany doesnt need them as much as France does.
I have found French low tier tanks mostly horrible.
Plus I did say both should get them.

Make it the Karlemagne tech tree.


I believe that tanks, aircraft, and ships operated by that country are eligible to be included in that country’s tree. However, I think it’s a bit wrong to add a country to the tree just because it’s the origin of a vehicle.
Regardless of the origin, you should go to the tree of the country where the weapon was used.

Why ? If anything, it shows that the update is on track to release soon, since they’re confident enough that the things in the video will be ingame soon to show them off. Just like last update.

German hull usually. A engine also is as important as the gun or turret…
Neither France nor Germany had those vehciles in service.
The choices regarding the placement of certain vehicles are inconsistent anyway.