Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

A Gripen will most likely be the top reward for the winter event like how they done with the Marine Tornado ect

I think a technical mod and Smin confirmed it would be added by the end of the year

One of the devs said back in march gripen was confirmed for this year

WT players when minor nations don’t get a BP vehicle: “wtf Gaijin why are you catering to major nations, minor nations should also get love”

WT players when minor nations get BP vehicles: “wtf Gaijin this should have been added to the tree”

either that or MiG-29G

or idk sth random

thats really odd knowing gaijin, but well for swedish mains then
i meant to respond to Mysto_

Betting on the SAAF Gripen

Indian mig 29K

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition

in the French tree

I think the G would be the better option, it offers no visual and gameplay difference’s over the current 9-13 for Germany. Weapons were the same etcetera. But they would REALLY have to progress the BR’s because noone wants some idiot who just got to rank 5 slinging off R-27ER’s at friendly’s

With swedish weapons of course

So Italy get yet another low br meme machine?
How amazing

it does offer a cooler skin


oh yes

Nah it’s always been the current best thing with this one

Speaking of India, if Britain was to get any foreign jet in the tech tree, I’d want it to be the Tejas, as it is the only one that would make sense that is not developed or purchased from a nation already in game.

I swear its just a NATO modernised German Mig-29 but ordinance is the same? Am I confusing the 9-12 and 9-13?

Mig 29k has been upgraded tho so would be smt or better equivalent

9.12 is the export version of the first production model. 9.13 is the second production model.