Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

If I remember correctly Gaijin differentiate O class from Montana because O class has its unique compartment made(its engine) but Montana left nothing


How do you know that?

The hell is that ?

Says Blogs not blog and Smin is known to have subtlety hint at things before


I literally thought about this thing yesterday and how fun it would be in war thunder hahahahahaha. Gotta love gaijin

1 blog about next patch, second about BP

Jesus christ what is that THING?

This Battlepass is looking mighty nice so far. Post war PT boat and funny truck vehicle. Alright I’m buying it.


“Placing a 90 mm cannon”

Yay another vehicle to add with the Breda and the M41

This is a unique Italian vehicle, too bad it became a Battle Pass vehicle.

Italy already has two vehicles with the 90mm in the tech tree that are better than this, so it’s not a problem.

why did you squish the flak bus xD

Well thats a chonka, looks mighty finy and fun. Feels like Italy is getting a bit to much love lately with additions ,but got for them

nah mate chill i was joking :)

Italians Stole the Flakbus

It’s the third and final vehcile of the BP that makes it the most for me. But you will have to wait for another day to see that ))


It feels like Machine from Terminator 2, but with gun

BATTLEPASS??? mate i want autocannoni line please :(( tell me this is the free one