Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

We would genuinely never hear the end of it lol

I will take the un Aussie boy that was meant to be an Aussi boy

Bob sample when ?

What is Bob sampling?

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Looks like fun list, well i trust that list for 60%.
I’m exited about: TU22 F18a F114 and nearly all others. But if this is big update, why not more vehicles.

BIG Bob Superheavy tank when?

Given Gaijin allows for “Laid down” Ships there are a few extra. Like H39 would be on the table.

And there would also be Mackensen class ships aswell as Ersatz York class which would kinda be post ww1 in that they didn’t finish constructkln during the war.

There are possible others, but those are the interesting ones ive looked at

Idk i kinda just threw one together as a joke for deathmisser.

I made a larger one last night but it kinda got lost in chat as it was like 11pm BST when i posted it


Another word for new Zeeland supremacy over Japan

Together with Bolton Paul Defiant.

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But yea it will most likely be the Gripen

Yes please!

Did the BPD have any sort of armement besides the turret?

Blog Nr.8524 and 8525?

Seems so.

I would say that Bismarck is textbook example of good premium candidate - famous, iconic ship, with suitable TT copy which is marginally better. And I would say that Germany really doesn’t need 2 TT ships of the Bismarck class since they will have enough BBs/BCs:

  1. Scharnhorst with 380s
  2. Tirpitz
  3. H-39
  4. Ersatz Yorck
  5. Mackensen
  6. O class (depends how far Gaijin will be willing to push the boundaries similarly to USS Montana)


What is f95zone doing here?

Would be interesting to see all the ships that were laid down that could be added to war thunder, id expect the british would have many given how the government loves to can projects before completion

I mean the most interesting one in that category is imo the G3-class.

That being in the list of ships scrapped/converted by the Washington Naval treaty