Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

There isnt any to bomb. Might be a few T-34s


in your own fantasy, enjoy being shot down by S400

The longer i look at it, the more i wonder. Is it all staged and we are taking part in a giant prank or is this for real. I doubt somone would be able to pull it as a serious matter, but…


S-400 is so good that it can’t even detect it

No politics

Everythin and all, but keep the politics away

Here we go.

I doubt this is the place to discuss this tbh

Guys, stop answering him or the whole topic will be closed. Just ignore him.


Cease with the politics, we don’t want the thread getting nuked again like last time

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Not only that but against the rules too

well I’m hoping it won’t be the case

Yep, I’m coping hard right now.

@Pacifica we need you !

Why aren’t Syrian S-400 sites shooting down Israeli F-35s?

Its USA/NATO’s main fault that they wanted Russia to get nothing to the game for many 4-5 updates

Massive nerf and even removal.

I was about to do that, you outspeed me :/

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Syria doesnt operate S-400

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That is not what anyone was saying, but okay.

You could go for another mod m8 ;)

Not Smin

It is possible to get refund for premium tanks like it is on other game with tanks? ( I just kidding i know it impossible…)
IS-6 now fight against darts and american heatfs guns, yeah i dream about it. And you even give him ammo from 6.7 BR which easly kill maus, t-55 family tanks or tanks with composite/spaced armor! The same BR for Samua which have APCBC non explosive gun. Problem isn’t BR - problem is that often modern tanks with II WW or post war tanks… If you change matchmaking to age borders it is easier. It isn’t perfect too but most of matches i play full uptier on 6.7, 7.7, 8.0, 8.7, 9.0 and 9.3. Most painful is 6.7, 7.7 and 8.7…