Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I know you love stealing every jet from other nation, that’s sure.

It was the most sold training jet that we in Czechoslovakia made. It is nice thing. Later we made upgrades and modification of it. Version L -159 ALCA is a sub sonic ligh striker air craft with a nice armmaments for both air combat and CAS role. But that jet have only we in Czechia and Iraq. And then they are 2 civilian company in US and UK operating them

Germany Had one on the drawing boards that ended in the Scale model phase because the Alpha Jets were removed from service to fulfil the Disarmament agreed on in the Reunion contract

the Model and it’s History is now In the company/Family Museum of the Manufacturer Dornier

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We would probably get that over a domestic one too

We used it. It’s not stealing

Yeah, one of the most sold training jet

They literally operated it lmao
Whatdya want from me?

That black though

Why is RAF black so sexy ?

you used the Trainer version so 2 instead of 4 Hardpoints

Alpha jet A

Alpha jet 2/NGEA
Way better weaponry, exocets, magics 2… (different nose)


Wasnt it owned by BAe or QinetiQ tho?

If we go down the route of X company used X plane it becomes very messy

Uk should get the hawk instead of alpha jet.

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Time for bed. Gute Nacht.

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it should get both

Trainer line would be nice

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Imagine the line, Gnat → Alpha Jet → Hawk

The RAF officially acquired a handful (I think 25) for use as trailing aircraft I think

No we used it so we get it

12 we got and 6 flew

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Yeah but the use was so limited it should probably be an event or squadron vehicle at least in the uk tree.

and thr other 6 were decoration