Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I guess another iconic aircraft rank 8 for chinese aircraft line it might be Guizhou FTC-2000G and Chengdu FC-1 Xiaolong


Add that to the fighter trainer patch with the Alpha, Hawk, Yak-130, and Gnat then!


So, just like almost every other bomber in ARB?
They don’t have to be useful, the bomber crowd will still use them


I dont care. Id still trade something more useful for a cold war heavy. It cant be too much effort to just put out a B52, a Vulcan, and a Tu16 (and copy-paste chinese H-6) and just see how they do. If theyre crap then that was only three airframes to put dev time into, and even then some people like me will play them anyway cuz they’re cool.


They need to at least figure out EWAR first or the B52 is going to eat crap and die instantly

what BR would they even go at?

Except Folland Gnat low level jet trainer/light attack aircraft

I guess Guizhou FTC-2000G performance & payload closest JF-17A Thunder, HAL Tejas Mk.1 and KAI FA-50 Block 20

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Id imagine around 8.3-9.3 ish.

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TU-16 would probably be 8.7-9.0 because its slow as balls

Vulcan 9.0-9.3 because it had actually functional offensive armament (AIM-9G and a gun iirc)

B-52 would be 8.0-8.3 because it makes the TU-16 look fast

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B-52 with its bombload definitely a bit higher, but I could totally see the Tu-16/H-6 and Vulcan at 9.0 or 9.3

Well the very early B52s could shoot AIM4 missiles backwards.

How does that work? Did they use the SARH version?

Man, I would grind the whole US tree, just for those lol

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Yup, here’s a snippet from wikipedia about the logistics behind them


The original purpose of the weapon was as a self-defense weapon for bomber aircraft, which would carry a magazine of three missiles in the rear fuselage, and fire them through a long tube that led through the area that normally held the tail turret. In the case of the B-52, the missile contained a tuner for the bomber’s A-3 rear-facing radar, and would follow the signal being reflected off the target aircraft using a semi-active radar homing (SARH) system.


Is there any document that can prove JH7A could carry KH29T or KH29TE? I am not sure which one JH7A has, it seems China imports both of them.


TBH I’d want to see AIM-4s in general. They were pretty great missiles… when they actually worked XD


If nothing else its weird enough to make interceptors keep their distance.

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There’s a bunch of missiles that I would love to see get added, but I feel like they should first figure out how to fix the Red Tops and SRAAMs


Beam Riding AA.25s and AA-1s(K-5) when?

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Is anybody going to get kills with these manually guided missiles? No. Are they an important step in history that should be in game? Yes.


0.8 hit chance.

Sure lmao