Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Snoring simulator

god imagine all the possible skins for all German WWI planes

Set up a game with 16 vs 16 T95 only. That would be how ww1 tanks feel, but without any of the armor advantages that the T95 has.


For planes I recommend any US jet with AN/M3 or Colt Mk.12 cannons without new cannons modification where they jam after one full second of firing… Without speed advantage of jets and damage of 20mms of course


Its actually not surprising at all for the US to recieve a T-90. We have had captured vehicles for as long as I remember, we are just not used to them being modern…

great the 40/70 is now 5.0 despite having 0 actual crew protection, if anything out of the 3 (Lvkv 42, AMX-13 DCA 40 and the 40/70) the AMX is the best it is highly nimble and has crew protection, why is it not 5.0? and no the leo hull means nothing, if you shoot it you are a fool since you can MG the turret

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France (as well as some other EU country) develop its own equipment.

Do you accept that MICAs arrive without any nerf ? I suppose you won’t mind being nuked from long distances ?

If you think only US and Russia make top notch tech, you are wrong.

Typical of Americans to think they’re better than everyone else and that everyone else can’t do anything.


Italy was and is one of the biggest helicopter manufacturing hubs outside of the US

Because the Leopard 1 has a vastly superior frontal and reverse speed and terrain performance, not to mention it’s absolutely incredible gun handling.
The “protection” of the DCA is negligible too, it can still be MG’d frontally by rifle caliber weapons.

I’m honestly shocked that people are surprised it keeps moving up, 4.3 was a ridiculous initial BR placement.

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it should have stayed 4.7, and the issue with the protection is as follows, an HE shell hitting across a road will be enough to either take out half the crew or set off the unprotected ammo

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Nobody likes AIM-9Bs. Give E fast

This is a neat skin for the 'Vark, hoping there may be one or two more


I disagree.
The Duster is a very similar vehicle with how exposed it and it’s ammo is yet it’s still a damn good SPAA that really didn’t require such handheld downtiering all the time.

the duster is not as tall. also the leo engine will not make it that good, just another case of leo hull = fast

Agree to disagree then, I’d like to see the thing go up to 5.3 even

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there is no reason to push it there, it won’t be that good, the DCA 40 is already the most capable that gun will be, pushing it up is just another case of people thinking something Italian will be better than it is in reality

If all else fails it could also receive its proximity shells which I saw talk of and be moved up with those shells in mind. Would place it at a BR that doesn’t ‘intrude’ into WW2 areas to call it so.

due to how screwed up the Italian MIC is, it never got HE VT irl, also what WW2 era, that BR range has not been WW2 for a long time

Strange, I heard some talk somewhere of it.
Still, ahistorical ammo isn’t beyond Gaijin.
Guess we’ll just have to see how this thing looks going forwards, I doubt it’ll be bad.