Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, at 12.0. If that was the case JAS39C would be added 3 udates ago.

if it was a Major nation that is

That’s is why I love it but it’s looks way to glossy

wdym Too glossy? the British Intentionally painted their Planes Glossy at that time


It’s also quite off-topic, but I hope Gaijin either stops, or opens up the can of worms entirely. Iranian F-14, Israeli Magach 5, to name just two trophies I’d love to see in the USSR tree.

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Ah fair enough then 👍

Its not as much that as much of the fact that you need to be above (or near enough to above with primitive fixed launchers like hedgehog and k-gun) a sub to drop depth charges on it and a battleship is simply too slow and clumsy to do that.

Also you wouldnt want to risk a big expensive thing like a battleship chasing after a tiny, weak, but very deadly thing like a submarine.

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Since when Israel, China or Italy are major

also olivias leak had fletchers vs u boats for 11th anniversary

There still a bunch of Finnish planes still in the files

those got c&p planes, Sweden would be extra work so they didn’t do it

if they add a t90 to the us then i say thats fair and it only f14a

Look up Chinese MLU and tell me it’s C&P

Mate, don’t look too deep into those unused assets, some of those have been there for more than 3 years and will likely stay in that hell for another 3 years

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na they just open it a little bit so it smells like it’s gonna get opened but they really won’t

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Shh I know this I want to go to part 3 without being an a8s and to stay on topic :)

You assume they have any policy one moment to the next at all.

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Iranian tree when? Uwu

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When people finally figure out to not bring political issues into games

When’re we likely to see the new update go live?